Thank you Bompa. Any chance of an extension to 7 days?
Review so far:
2. Obviously, none of the links are anchored,
Been running the service for a few days. Links have no anchors, but it's a free service after all.
Just so that others are not misled, the links *DO* have anchors or else
there would be nothing visible.
For example:
This would be a link with NO anchor:
<a href=""></a>
That link has NO anchor and would not be visible on the page.
Conversely, with these social bookmarking profile links, the URL becomes the anchor.
<a href=""></a>
That link HAS an anchor and the anchor is That is a very good link and a very
good anchor if Google wants to rank for "".
How I use this system is by having my keywords in my URL.
If my URL is:, then that URL
becomes the anchor, like this:
Dropping common words (the http: and slashes) a SE would interpret that as " link wheel building service"
And, in the long run, that will definitely contribute to my ranking for
"link wheel building service", without a doubt.
This technique has been working ever since I got started and it will continue
to work for a long, long time because it's just natural.
If you do not believe me, you can experiment yourself or just not use this system... no hard feelings.
I just don't want people to think that my system is dropping invisible (no
anchor) links. That is very BH and I would never sell a service like that.