For those who work from home...

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
How do you stay focused and not get distracted all the time? I find it easier when I go to my office and try to get work done, it seems to help having some separation from home and work

Dont work at home :p, unless u have a deadline then its easier(atleast for me). Otherwise i work from the library. Only boring books there so not hard to stay focussed.
It's hard for me to sperate work from school, and the rest. Especially right now because I need to complete 500 posts, several websites, and I got to do up to 13 exams next months, starting tomoroww :|
Easy. I don't force myself to focus on something for hours at a time. I'm a big fan of taking small breaks throughout the day. You have to know yourself first, and understand your habits before you can successfully focus on working from home.

Everyone thinks that when you work from home you will get more done. I think it's the opposite with most people. We're trained at an early age to go to school on time, and do lots of work within an 8 hour period. After school, 9-5 is the norm. When working from home that all changes. You are now in control of your time. Unfortunately for the work at home people, or at least for me, 9-5 is a luxury I cannot afford. I work 7 days a week, and at least 12 hours a day on a good day. When things need to get done or I've put important things aside, I'll pull a 16 hour or sometimes a 20 hour day. That's because I cannot put the blame on anyone or anything else but myself. If I don't work, my employees overseas don't get paid, my project managers don't get the necessary information they need to run successful projects, and in the end, I don't hit the revenue projections I've set for each project, and that right there is my biggest fear.

I can talk about this all day, but that would mean less work being accomplished, so I'll leave it at that.
A lot of people do something to seperate the home and work time when working at home. Get up at the same time every morning. When you get up, talk a walk to get some coffee or something to emulate your drive to work and when you come home, work. Dont have a tv in your office, take a break for lunch, and then cut off and dont work after a certain time.
im with Jon on this one, I take multiple breaks in the form of closing my browser, closing my im stuff and firing up BF2 to destroy some enemy tanks!
V12Kid said:
im with Jon on this one, I take multiple breaks in the form of closing my browser, closing my im stuff and firing up BF2 to destroy some enemy tanks!

hehe,same here. looking foward to the new game? 2142!
I wish I could work at home. I do on my days off... but working in a Hosptial means loooooong shifts.
It's all about willpower and as Jon says, not forcing yourself to concentrate on just one thing for too long a period of time. Most days I do about 12-14 hours a day but it's split up quite well, mornings are for looking at my RSS feeds, emails and adding some posts to my blogs. Afternoon is for development work on any systems I'm working on and evenings are for going through my live sites and adding bits and pieces and doing some tweaking.

Every day's different and if I keep it varied and remember that I've got bills to pay then I've no choice but to focus. The only alternative is going back to working for "The Man" and I've had enough of that already. Being self employed and working from home is the best job I'll ever have, there's no way I'd let something like daytime TV or playing PS2 fuck it up for me.
I work hard for a few hours, then take a 30 minute break... repeat.

I usually play a game, or go outside to play fetch with my dogs. Sometimes I head off to the coffee shop.
Jon said:
When things need to get done or I've put important things aside, I'll pull a 16 hour or sometimes a 20 hour day.

This sounds interesting. Makes me wonder really badly how you set your goals, if a situation like that can happen!

It seems like you're pretty hard on yourself and very goal oriented.

How do you set your goals, do you set specific deadlines ?! Do you have yearly, monthly, weekly goals and projections ?!
I work in the middle of the night, then sleep while my wife is at work, then hang out with her when she gets home, and then I go back to work when she goes to sleep. There are way less distractions for me that way.
JDA said:
I work in the middle of the night, then sleep while my wife is at work, then hang out with her when she gets home, and then I go back to work when she goes to sleep. There are way less distractions for me that way.

If that's your wife in your avatar, I have to give you major kudos.
I create a to-do list in the morning, then split my day up into different sections. I find it keeps me motivated and I get much more done.
i used to work from home, it was horrible. my sleep schedule was rediculous, i had next to no social activity and was just dead to the world. now i've went back to a dayjob that keeps my sleep on schedule.

i usally even head back to the office after hours to work on my personal work, it's much easier to keep my focus there. no tv, no gf, no food, no hot tub... yeah.
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