Finally getting faster Internet where I live

Everyone won't be this interested when eliquid makes a post about getting indoor plumbing in 2 years.

Goddamn, 2009? I remember playing Ultima Online on 26.6kb dial up back in the 90's, and hitting on chicks on ICQ. Then my friend's aunt got a T1 line at her business and we had LAN parties on the weekends and practically moved in.
Goddamn, 2009? I remember playing Ultima Online on 26.6kb dial up back in the 90's, and hitting on chicks on ICQ. Then my friend's aunt got a T1 line at her business and we had LAN parties on the weekends and practically moved in.

Fuck DSL/Cable 30ms pinging dexxer fucks. Ugh dialup in UO brings back some rage memories.
Those days... Fap, stop, fap, stop, fap... Give up!

My PC was pimpin a full 20g HD back then.. Saved my first sites on floppies too!

You were supposed to save the pictures to a folder and start a slideshow. How the hell did you make it through your teens? I beat my dick off multiple times a day without seeing the same picture for a week.
You were supposed to save the pictures to a folder and start a slideshow. How the hell did you make it through your teens? I beat my dick off multiple times a day without seeing the same picture for a week.

I still do this...

Tumblr porn FTW
Goddamn, 2009? I remember playing Ultima Online on 26.6kb dial up back in the 90's, and hitting on chicks on ICQ. Then my friend's aunt got a T1 line at her business and we had LAN parties on the weekends and practically moved in.

I was playing UO in '97 on a 28.8 Sportster... from Hawaii... on the first actually massive MMO ever made with horrible netcode and stoneage game server tech. I have no clue how that actually worked now that I think about it, but somehow it was the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

Talk shit 2 tha kid..

I think I found your modem eliquid:


Were you able to uprade from the rotary phone to a push-button model at least? I know it can be hard to find round speakers/receivers with dial-phones... Poor kid.

That's actually reasonably pimped up for what it was.

The TRS-80 Model 4P (late 1983) had 5.25" floppy drives. That one has been modified to use 3.5" floppy drives instead, which didn't exist until quite a bit later. The acoustic coupler is sitting on top of a hard disk (probably 5MB), and there's also regular TRS-80 Model 4 just visible on the right of the photo.

The acoustic coupler there is just for show though. Direct line modems were already in use at that time.
I remember some other times, when the following was top of the line fapable quality, and plus you had to win at poker for the magic to happen. Ah the thrill...

Circa 1992, commodore 64.


Or photos on Amiga 500, with 4096 color palette, fucking torture


Photos also took like about 1 hour on 28k modems to download at this ^ quality.
Broadband has always sucked here in Australia until the government stepped in and started building fibre to the home infrastructure. Then that government was voted out and the new 'conservative' government decided to make it fibre to the node, and the final stretch to the home remain as ADSL over dilapidated copper phone lines. Fuckers.
fastest i can get in my building :( (they offer 300Mb but my building doesn't support it)

Even though I know almost all of you guys blow me out of the water, I still wanted to join in on the fun.

Can finally watch Netflix without buffering...