Goddamn, 2009? I remember playing Ultima Online on 26.6kb dial up back in the 90's, and hitting on chicks on ICQ. Then my friend's aunt got a T1 line at her business and we had LAN parties on the weekends and practically moved in.
Those days... Fap, stop, fap, stop, fap... Give up!
My PC was pimpin a full 20g HD back then.. Saved my first sites on floppies too!
You were supposed to save the pictures to a folder and start a slideshow. How the hell did you make it through your teens? I beat my dick off multiple times a day without seeing the same picture for a week.
Goddamn, 2009? I remember playing Ultima Online on 26.6kb dial up back in the 90's, and hitting on chicks on ICQ. Then my friend's aunt got a T1 line at her business and we had LAN parties on the weekends and practically moved in.
I think I found your modem eliquid:
Were you able to uprade from the rotary phone to a push-button model at least? I know it can be hard to find round speakers/receivers with dial-phones... Poor kid.