Finally getting faster Internet where I live

56K? I remember being at 28.8... rough times mate...


Those days... Fap, stop, fap, stop, fap... Give up!

My PC was pimpin a full 20g HD back then.. Saved my first sites on floppies too!

I actually just moved myself. Went up 20 floors, apparently AT&T only services the first 2/3rds of the building, so was getting 25MB.

MFW now Penthouse levels I got 75MB...


But I can do that cause I just got promoted to the fries division at Burger King... #WeMadeIt

(technically AT&T 'can' service the top level, but their system does not 'recognize' there is another 1/3rd of the condo building. In their world or rather system, only 2/3rds of the building exist... Fucking clowns).​

Watch out bro, I heard bots was about to take over the fries division.

Better make the move to the "special sauce, lettuce, cheese" department. We just chillin over here.
Have an unreliable wireless connection that's 2mbit / 250kbit. Then again, I live on 5 rural acres out in the middle of nowhere in Hawaii, so I can't ask for much. One day, I'll figure out how to have it all.
25 years ago loading new software onto my 286 with stacker doubling the 1MB HD was like trying to land the fucking space shuttle. Lol haven't thought about that or modems in ages. Pretty sure I still have a copy of the Jerusalem virus on a floppy - circa Before it was even Illegal to have them.

Thanks for the memories eliquid, and welcome to the 21st century of inet access.
I've heard so many horror stories about internet availability lies only found out after a person purchased a house that when I purchased my current house I paid for them to hook up internet before I made the offer.
I think I found your modem eliquid:


Were you able to uprade from the rotary phone to a push-button model at least? I know it can be hard to find round speakers/receivers with dial-phones... Poor kid.