Feeling down

But my maid does these things. If I did that, there'd be less stuff for her to do.

I usually like to take a break to pace around the room for a bit though if I am brain storming. I guess that's similar to what you're doing.

That's one of the problems I've ran into with having two chicks living with me. I started running out of dumb little shit to do 10-15 minutes at a time to take a break and refresh mentally, so I started doing the most off the wall shit like playing through a game of solitaire standing at the kitchen counter.

Hard work + Stick with it for a long time = $$$$.

Very difficult to fail.

There you have the big secret.

Reasons for failure:

1. You got lazy. (Quit, didn't do your research first, etc)
2. You didn't work hard enough. (Slacked off)

Will it make you a millionaire overnight? No, maybe.

If you invest and plan, it will in time.

Problem is.. People are lazy as shit these days. They'd rather be entertained than amass more knowledge. (Books, hands-on experience, etc)

Then comes taking action with that knowledge. Goes back to points 1-2.

That's it.
Hard work + Stick with it for a long time = $$$$.

Very difficult to fail.

Well besides hard work you really need to be filling a market demand in a profitable niche. Just hard work isn't enough unless you want to be slumming it in Thailand doing mindless grind work and snorting stimulants. No thanks!
Tried to mutli-quote but it isn't working. I blame no-script.

Wanted to make an in-dept reply because I've been thinking about this thread the whole day yesterday while driving, eating and in the shower.

It's the next day I'm pumped up.

Fucking fuck my peers. Bitches are on the slow lane. The shit I want to accomplish won't be attained by a bloody day job. Like

  • Owning a NGO funded by 'rural development' programs, 'women empowerment' shit. Yea I want to help people in the rural but I want through my own personal organization.
  • Own a sweatshop which did tele marketing, garment manufacturing and other goodies. I learn from the Chinese
  • Giant e-commerce
  • SEO/PR/Advertising agency
I want to be a fucking businessman. Being absolute rich but not showing off like douches do with lambos, expensive cigars etc.

And I keep forgetting how grateful I have from my parents hard work. I need to keep myself reminding how really unlucky other people are. I don't need to worry about if I will get food, there is a roof over my head, no debt to pay, no obese, perfect fucking health, no bad teeth[lol], nothing! I shouldn't take things for granted but it's so fucking easy to forget. Damn it.

Hell, I know I will be so much fucking happy if I earned half of what my friend made because I can actually spend it and enjoy it. There is no need for me to save money for 'retirement' and other shit.

Before I end this, the post wasn't troll. Not sure what made you all think it was. I occasionally troll on Youtube and it's quite easy to spot a troll comment or sarcasm, but here?

Also, don't think I'm lazy because I sleep at fix time and wake up fix time. It's just I wasn't getting things done. But I'm glad I made this thread, bookmarked it with a shortcut on the Bookmark Toolbar for instant access, snipped some of the post here and have them as desktop wallpaper to remind myself occasionally on what really matters. Far to easy to get attention diverted when you got no 'real' boss.

Fuck em the slow laners! Bitches like rich guys. Family, money and girls is all that matters. :rasta:
Just hard work isn't enough unless you want to be slumming it in Thailand doing mindless grind work and snorting stimulants. No thanks!

You make it sound like working for less than what you would get as minimum wage in first world country, taking massive amounts of drugs and banging people who's gender is ambiguous is a bad thing.

Oh I get it, it's because its Thailand right? You fucking racist.

Just because where you live they have the Rule of Law, low crime rate and women you can easily tell the true gender of, you think you're better than them.

Fucking Chinese with their "we're better then you" attitude.
You make it sound like working for less than what you would get as minimum wage in first world country, taking massive amounts of drugs and banging people who's gender is ambiguous is a bad thing.

Actually there are some lovely places to live in Thailand. The infrastructure isn't the best but it's not the worst either; it's good enough for most kinds of IM work. And if someone is into ladyboys that's fine. I just don't like the stimulant snorting part that much because I don't think it's that good for health. :rasta: would be better.

I think it's fine to live in Thailand. Fartyman: it's good to think big and build a real business with assets rather than building short term sandcastles. You'll be happy you did and you'll be able to reinvest it into stuff like real estate.

Fartyman I think people think you're trolling and are a troll because of your name and the stuff you said in the past.

Anyway I hope when you're saying that you aren't saving for retirement doesn't mean you're not going to save any money. You should focus on reinvesting into your business and diversifying into stuff like real estate. Buy up some rental properties for example and have these assets generate income for you.
You should focus on reinvesting into your business and diversifying into stuff like real estate. Buy up some rental properties for example and have these assets generate income for you.

If there is only one thing in this thread people pay attention to, it should be this.
That's one of the problems I've ran into with having two chicks living with me. I started running out of dumb little shit to do 10-15 minutes at a time to take a break and refresh mentally, so I started doing the most off the wall shit like playing through a game of solitaire standing at the kitchen counter.

Go do some kettlebell swings instead.

What I liked about Thailand and working from home there was being able to go and do a couple of laps in the swimming pool in the condo or just sit in the sun for 30 mins, then back to work.
That's one of the problems I've ran into with having two chicks living with me. I started running out of dumb little shit to do 10-15 minutes at a time to take a break and refresh mentally, so I started doing the most off the wall shit like playing through a game of solitaire standing at the kitchen counter.

Changing between mental and physical excersises is a really refreshing thing to do. You just need to love both occupations wholeheartedly. If you work on a project - you don't think about anything but your work. If you stall and cannot do anything more - stop working, go for a run or swim for half an hour - but you should not think about work while doing this, think about what you do at the moment.

Switching between tasks is a hard thing, actually, it needs some practice but it helps great if done right.
I get so depressed and down whenever I browse Facebook and LInkedin profiles of my high school friends.

All have nice jobs at nice companies with tons of connection with tons of recommendation on Linkedin

Not sure how much they might be earning. Maybe $100,000 out of college and getting a job in financial sector in Boston? Like me, they are all university grads but from Ivy colleges, Northeastern, Cornell, University of Bristol. Most are doing master or already did it.

I hope IMing will allow me to reach their level. I gave up everything for this as I flunked university.

If they are really your friends, you should be happy that they are rich. Why sad?

If they really are your friends, they could spoon feed you how you can do some of the "successful" things they do too.

You "hope" IMing will make you rich. How rich is rich enough for you? I know a guy who once said he doesn't want to be rich, its just that he could survive good with $2 million but when we explored his desire further, he figured that maybe he wanted 5 million. So OP, how much do you want? How much is enough for you?

OP, my advice is don't try to get a lot of friends. See if you can get just a few friends, maybe just one or two at a time, then if they are broke like you, you will feel good together! If they are very rich, then you can always be happy about their success assuming that you are good friends.

Try not to be jealous. Do your thing and don't stop even if it is hard, then some day you might make it.

Regarding your username, are you really a very farty man? Maybe plan about eating right and exercising so you can cut down on those farts and indigestion problems
Changing between mental and physical excersises is a really refreshing thing to do. You just need to love both occupations wholeheartedly. If you work on a project - you don't think about anything but your work. If you stall and cannot do anything more - stop working, go for a run or swim for half an hour - but you should not think about work while doing this, think about what you do at the moment.

Switching between tasks is a hard thing, actually, it needs some practice but it helps great if done right.

One problem I have when I go to work on something in my shop is that I end up saying fuck it and want to work on that all day instead of coming back to what I was doing before lol
If they are really your friends, you should be happy that they are rich. Why sad?

If they really are your friends, they could spoon feed you how you can do some of the "successful" things they do too.

Yeah I was thinking this too. Why be jealous of your friends? It sounds like they're not really your friends.
Go do some kettlebell swings instead.

What I liked about Thailand and working from home there was being able to go and do a couple of laps in the swimming pool in the condo or just sit in the sun for 30 mins, then back to work.

I have a treadmill in my basement that I'll hop on for 15-20 minutes, just enough to get a sweat going, and then take a quick shower and that helps tremendously.