Feeling down

Don't forget that a lot of people post things on FB, etc. to make their lives look so great, when in fact they are the opposite. It's like talking about how you have a big cock when in fact it's the smallest one on your block (or driving a corvette....same thing).

Yeah. Facebook is such a giant waste of time. It's nothing but an ego contest. I have better things to do.

You're exagerating right? How can you sleep for less than 4 hours a day for months on end.

Definitely not exaggerating. You can make an absolute killing in IM, but you fuckers need to put in some real time and not be afraid of failing. I'd cry if I was just barely breaking 6 figures, but I have also put a lot of time and effort into my work and barely breaking 6 figures was never the goal. This fucker needs to get to work.
Thing that always aggravated me the most about this is my family. I remember making triple of anyone else in the family, including my oil exec dad. Then I was only told by certain family members it's not "real", because I don't own a shop with work trucks, so apparently it doesn't count.

Will never forget that, and still makes my blood boil. "Yeah, but it's not actually real, because it's just software, and there's nothing I can see or touch". How about you and your jealousy go fuck yourselves.

That's just how it will always be though, and apart from becoming the next Steve Jobs, there's nothing I can do about it. I don't have a conventional job, with a 3 year salary contract with a multi-national oil company worth billions, so that's just how they will always view me. Doesn't matter if I'm making even 20 times more than them.
Location: Shithole part of the world.

Maybe change your environment so you stop being surrounded by shit.
Don't forget that a lot of people post things on FB, etc. to make their lives look so great, when in fact they are the opposite. It's like talking about how you have a big cock when in fact it's the smallest one on your block (or driving a corvette....same thing).

You just described the STS section of WF. ;)
I typically goto sleep around 2-3am and wake up at 9am.

You get used to it after a while tbqh.

@OP. Cheer up, block FB in your hosts file, get to work.

Kinda like my schedule. I sleep around 1-2am and wake up at 8am.

@ the other replies, in terms of working non stop for 4 days or 4 hours sleep, I am not inclined to try. Infact I feel I am not sleeping enough and should attempt to try 7+ preferably 8 hours a night. If I sleep less hours consistently, I am sure I won't function optimally on my work, so the extra hours I put in goes to waste anyway. Plus i'd rather reduce the risk of long term mental health repurcussions.
Thing that always aggravated me the most about this is my family. I remember making triple of anyone else in the family, including my oil exec dad. Then I was only told by certain family members it's not "real", because I don't own a shop with work trucks, so apparently it doesn't count.

Will never forget that, and still makes my blood boil. "Yeah, but it's not actually real, because it's just software, and there's nothing I can see or touch". How about you and your jealousy go fuck yourselves.

That's just how it will always be though, and apart from becoming the next Steve Jobs, there's nothing I can do about it. I don't have a conventional job, with a 3 year salary contract with a multi-national oil company worth billions, so that's just how they will always view me. Doesn't matter if I'm making even 20 times more than them.

LOL I used to get that shit too. I'll tell you what is real though, 3 homes in two different countries a bank account fatter than Mama June's ass.

It's stopped bothering me but a few times a month I'll call one of my family members at work and ask them if they want to cut out and go golfing today.

"Hey, I was thinking about going golfing, wanna cut out and hit Tour 18?"

"I can't today, I'm at work, why aren't you working today?"

"I have software that does all of that"


"Anyway, that sucks, enjoy work, I'll be at the course if you need me"

Fuck I love this job.
Stop being a faggot, get off of facebook and get back to work you pussy. Jesus, if you wanna whine about your position in life at least whine to people who will give a shit.

Facebook is not real life. Those morons have to get up everyday at like 4am to work for some other faggot that's been there longer than them. They take shit every day and by the time they get home their faggoty ass wife has a list of more shit for them to do and after thats done they go to sleep and do it all over again.

Then on the weekends they get to do fun shit like go shopping for new linens and other really gay ass shit. Don't envy them, pity them..... that's literally their whole life.

I just wanted to add: usually these people who have epic facebook/linkedin pages are weirdos in real life. I used to think people who had beautiful social media profiles were cool in real life, but when I met them, they were either 1) socially awkward 2) self-absorbed 3) had nothing constructive to talk about. They spend so much time pimping out their social media profiles to cloak their inner emptiness.

When you look at what these people do day-to-day, what they do is not glamorous as you may think it is. Most of the time, they're bored, and they're just doing what' s necessary to get the job done. Often, they're frustrated with their coworkers, their boss, their clients, their workloads they have no control over, etc, and they drink/smoke to deal with the crushing inner pain.

I've known people with MDs, Ph.Ds, people who worked at Facebook/Twitter/Google, and their lifestyles are not that much different from someone who waits tables.

Finally, if you have no direction in business, get back to college, get a job, and work on your business on the side. Quit your day job AFTER you've gotten a sizable, lasting income from your business.

You can't just quit your job and say "I'm going to start a business." You need an idea first that solves the needs of other people. Solve others' needs, and others will give you their money. If you don't have an idea, then you need to interact with the world enough until it just clicks. Often times, ideas come when you least expect it. My best ideas came when I was in college, socializing with people, and volunteering.

You may remember MJ Demarco's story (the author of The Millionaire Fastlane). He spent years launching failed businesses, so he had to get a job as a limo driver. That job led to him recognizing a need in the limo industry, and he started limos.com. After that, he was set for life. The point is, while you should always be on the lookout for opportunities, sometimes it's complete luck that gives you great ideas. MJ Demarco didn't just think "i'm going to become a limo driver so I can get my million dollar idea." It just happened, but you have to increase your chances by interacting with the world. You can't just sit in your room staring at the wall.

Finally, don't glamorize the entrepreneur lifestyle for the wrong reasons . If you talk to any retired entrepreneur, read MJ Demarco's book, or read the recent article "Confessions of a Google Spammer" in which the guy retired, all these people say that once they stopped working, their life becomes dull and boring. When you become an entrepreneur, you want to work. Work is fun if you enjoy what you're doing and are genuinely helping others. Hell, even a 9-5er who has something to do with their time has more fun than a retired entrepreneur who does nothing. My friend who bags groceries at least gets phone numbers from the local milfs. Complacency is death.

Become an entrepreneur because you want to solve complex problems and challenges, which ultimately leads to making money. Don't do it just because you want money.

Even if OP is trolling, the advice in this thread is good for anyone else who needs it.
LOL I used to get that shit too. I'll tell you what is real though, 3 homes in two different countries a bank account fatter than Mama June's ass.

See this is the problem Kiopa_Matt has. Even though your biz is virtual like Kiopa_Matt's; you have 3 properties to show for it which are "real". Kiopa_Matt on the other hand has to rent a house because foreigners can't own property in Thailand. Or is it land? Either way the private property protections suck in Thailand.
Kiopa_Matt on the other hand has to rent a house because foreigners can't own property in Thailand. Or is it land?

Not entirely true, you can personally own a condo and your Thai company can own any property above that.

Either way the private property protections suck in Thailand.

You can get your shit ganked in any country.

Ask all those people who had their houses taken in the US because the Government decided they needed it more.
Not entirely true, you can personally own a condo and your Thai company can own any property above that.

What about owning land? Can your Thai company own land? I'm not up to date on how property law works Thailand, except that the law is probably "for reference only" rather than strictly followed.

Kiopa_matt should buy a property via a Thai company then. The maybe his idiot relatives will shut up about there being nothing "real" to his business. He can point to his house and tell them "Is that real enough for you bitch? I own my own home which I can work from and set my own schedule!"

You can get your shit ganked in any country.

Ask all those people who had their houses taken in the US because the Government decided they needed it more.

Correction: You can get your shit ganked easily in any country with civil forfeiture. Most countries have civil forfeiture these days. Hong Kong doesn't have civil forfeiture. That's why I live in HK. It has some of the best private property protections in the world. HK only has criminal forfeiture, and the standards are much more stringent for criminal forfeiture.

In HK you need to be convicted of a crime and the prosecutor needs to prove without a reasonable doubt that the property is a proceeds from criminal activity before a forfeiture can happen. In the US the government can just roll in with minimal judicial oversight and rob you blind with a civil forfeiture. You don't even have to be arrested let alone convicted before the government can grab your property in the US.
What about owning land?

Same applies, if it's a Thai company then you can own land as well.

There is some bullshit to jump through but if its done right and not with the cheapest lawyer one the street then there shouldn't be a problem.

The only times I hear of people getting fucked is when they are too cheap to drop money for a good lawyer.

Correction: You can get your shit ganked easily in any country with civil forfeiture. Most countries have civil forfeiture these days. Hong Kong doesn't have civil forfeiture. That's why I live in HK. It has some of the best private property protections in the world. HK only has criminal forfeiture, and the standards are much more stringent for criminal forfeiture.

Good to know. HK has always been on my list of places to visit.
What about owning land? Can your Thai company own land?

Only Thai citizens can only land.

Same goes for corporations. 51% must be Thai owned.

As with everything, there's loop holes available, but it's a gamble to trust them. Especially considering the military is still ruining the government right now. Who the fuck knows what the laws will be in a year or two from now.
Only Thai citizens can only land.

Same goes for corporations. 51% must be Thai owned.

Can you arrange the corporate structure in a way where you have all of the voting shares of the corporation as a minority shareholder while the 51% Thai shareholder has non voting shares?

Is the joke of a judiciary in Thailand even going to care how your corporation is structured?

This is why I like living in a place with the rule of law, so that I don't have to fret about these kinds of things.
Can you arrange the corporate structure in a way where you have all of the voting shares of the corporation as a minority shareholder while the 51% Thai shareholder has non voting shares?

That is the typical way to structure a company in TH.

There is no restriction on who can own the 51% either as long as they're Thais so you can have friends or family own the 51% non-voting.

Kiopa_Matt is all doom and gloom as per usual. Have a Leo Kiopa and relax.
I don't understand. Live in Thailand, work in Thailand, buy houses in places that offer property protections. You don't have to live in them, rent them out, hire a property management company to manage them, fuck Thai bitches.

Getting rich is so easy, it's a simple 3 step formula:

1. Make money (job or business)
2. Invest money in things that make you more money (investments, RE, other business)
3. See 1.

Guys if you aren't taking your AM earnings and buying real, tangible assets then you're doing it wrong.