Feeling down


New member
Oct 31, 2013
Didn't win the birth lottery
I get so depressed and down whenever I browse Facebook and LInkedin profiles of my high school friends.

All have nice jobs at nice companies with tons of connection with tons of recommendation on Linkedin

Not sure how much they might be earning. Maybe $100,000 out of college and getting a job in financial sector in Boston? Like me, they are all university grads but from Ivy colleges, Northeastern, Cornell, University of Bristol. Most are doing master or already did it.

I hope IMing will allow me to reach their level. I gave up everything for this as I flunked university.

find something that works for you that can be scaled and u'll do much better than them.

TLDR; Stop giving a shit what people think and get back to work!

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but there are lot of people who get caught in this mind set of being better than X.

And getting stuck in this mind set is not only a waste of time it will hold you back.

Everyone goes through a faze like this though and I am no exception. When I was younger I used to run into old class mates and the obvious question would arise "what are you doing now?".

I would tell them and they would smirk and generally reply "that's great" in the most condescending way possible.

Did it piss me off? Yep. Does it matter what they think? Nope.

Many years later I'm doing better than some and worse than others, but in the long run who gives a shit.

If you ask some of my cousins, they would tell you that I'm still the guy that is allergic to getting a "real" job.

I don't care, I'm happy and the opinions of others doesn't matter.

C'est la vie
I feel like this very often, I'm working on it. Most friends are on $80k+, best mate on a good $120k. Starting to buy houses and shit. I opened a retail store 6 months ago and I'm practically breaking even after all my business and living expenses. Not saving a thing at the moment, it sucks but it gives me drive.

Your options are to

1. Change your thought patterns so you don't feel like this anymore.
2. Work harder and make more than these corporate drones.
3. Wallow in your own self pity.

Remember these empty suits are in an office the majority of their day, they're following the standard path through life. They'll get to the age of 40 or 50 and realise they've spent most of their precious gift of life in a cubicle working for a boss. Probably married with a kid or two that saps all their earnings away, maybe the coin flip goes bad and they go through a divorce and lose half their shit anyway.
Get yourself a magic 8-ball - it'll change your life:


But on a serious note - maybe it's your overall work ethic? I've watched you state some retarded shit and make no actual effort to change your situation. I've seen you complain on here about your life and that "one day" you'll start getting to work. Why are you browsing Facebook an Linkedin instead of working on your project? Are you looking for some external motivation or someone to come and give you a ton of money? Better yet are you hoping someone will give a shit about you?

There is a lesson in zen that a student can spend 20+ years in a cave meditating on desiring nothing and wanting nothing and attain a state of 'no desires' - but rarely can that student maintain that 'no desire and no want' state when they leave the cave and explore the rest of the world. <- There are several levels of meanings - but the first level is your environment and what you concentrate on. If you desire to HAVE wants and desires yet do nothing you will get no where. But even if you sit there wanting nothing in your small shit hole of a bedroom, as soon as you leave that bedroom you'll see the world and want new things. That's not necessarily bad - but if you sit there doing nothing but praying and wishing, you won't get far.

What's worse for you is you want to be "someone" that you literally cannot be. You didn't go to those colleges, so you'll never get there. At most you might be able to make that level of money, but not with your current mentality - cause in this internet marketing game, it's only you battling yourself. You get out of it as much as you put in - if you generate money, you'll have to keep generating that money, cause you don't have a corporation giving you paychecks for walking in the door. If you create a company or a business you'll have to maintain that business. You literally chose the hardest path on the road - but that same path if you grind at it for weeks, months, and years, you MAY one day attain a level those Facebook buddies of yours will never be able to obtain as they brown nose their boss for a higher promotion or a raise - you'll be the boss (probably not you though - not with your thinking).

You are constantly looking at other people's lives and wondering why they live better lives then you - yet you aren't doing ANYTHING to grind or get money. I mean look at your fucking username - choosing that username means you KNOW no one is going to bother replying or taking you seriously - yet here you are registering fartyman all over the place.

And then the final nail in the coffin - you are in the newbie section giving people advice on a ton of shit you clearly have no idea about, yet you do no actual serious work except browse forums all day and whining. Doing a ton of research on your competitor doesn't equal putting in actual work in to get to your goals - do you even have any goals? How far has those last 9 months of whining gotten you?

I saw this thread: Building an Online "Goo roo" REPUTATION in the region. - where you talk about wanting to be like me at some level. You want to be recognized for your work and skills and 'such' - what fucking work? what fucking skills? what fucking 'such'? Do you put in work like me? Are you willing to put in 20+ hours a day for 9 months on a project that could be a complete failure like me? If that one project fails do you move on to the next one without whining? What do you actually do to achieve or get to your "wishes/goals"? Cause I don't see it. I see a ton of whining threads about how you do no serious work, yet want rewards... And who the fuck am I for you to want to fucking emulate?

There is a reason the 99% - aren't in the 1%... In your case if you don't change your mentality, you simply aren't going to 'make it', whatever 'it' is to you.

This online hustle of ours isn't EASIER than corporate jobs, 9-5s, and other shit the other half lives, it's harder, more mentally challenging, more physically challenging - but the rewards are greater. So you have two choices, you can give up and go get a 9 to 5 flipping burgers joining me and the rest of the Burger King staff, or you can create a goal of what you want, then create a roadmap of how you are going to obtain it, then start working nonstop till you get to that goal and tell everyone to fuck off that's interfering with you getting to that goal. Me personally I'd rather be flipping these burgers and praying to my magic 8-ball.

"It may be that your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others." - Krazman​
TLDR; Stop giving a shit what people think and get back to work!

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but there are lot of people who get caught in this mind set of being better than X.

And getting stuck in this mind set is not only a waste of time it will hold you back.

Everyone goes through a faze like this though and I am no exception. When I was younger I used to run into old class mates and the obvious question would arise "what are you doing now?".

I would tell them and they would smirk and generally reply "that's great" in the most condescending way possible.

Did it piss me off? Yep. Does it matter what they think? Nope.

Many years later I'm doing better than some and worse than others, but in the long run who gives a shit.

If you ask some of my cousins, they would tell you that I'm still the guy that is allergic to getting a "real" job.

I don't care, I'm happy and the opinions of others doesn't matter.

C'est la vie

Not sure if this real life, but it's sad that a self-employed IMer is jealous of a 100k earning nine to fiver. Dafuq is wrong with you OP? Your'e the founder and CEO of your own fucking biz. Even if all you do is create link wheels all day long, it's your own ship and you're the captain.

You wake up whenever you want.

You take vacations whenever you want.

You bank and incpororate wherever you want.

You hire people whenever and wherever you want.

You wear whatever you want at work.

You take smoke/coffee/fapping breaks whenever you want.

and the list goes on...
Are you willing to put in 20+ hours a day for 9 months on a project that could be a complete failure like me? If that one project fails do you move on to the next one without whining?

You're exagerating right? How can you sleep for less than 4 hours a day for months on end.
You're exagerating right? How can you sleep for less than 4 hours a day for months on end.


But it's possible even without drugs if you have the drive.

Shit, me and friends used to see how long we could work without sleep before we passed out.

My record was 4 and a half days working nonstop, no drugs except coffee. But I'm sure that is nothing compared to some people on here.

Fucked me up now, sort of, but I REGRET NOTHING!

"me and friends" there is another one for you avatar33
You're exagerating right? How can you sleep for less than 4 hours a day for months on end.

Unfortunately I'm not - I have long spells of days I hardly sleep 2-3 hours, then I also have months where I sleep 12+ hours. When I have an itch that has to be scratched - a project I'm extremely excited about, it just naturally happens. It's hell on my overall health, but that's the whole purpose of all this cocaine, right?

I would tell them and they would smirk and generally reply "that's great" in the most condescending way possible.

What did you tell them? It's all about how you present yourself.

I never had anyone smirk and act condescending to me when I tell them that I've been working for myself since the 90s and never had a day job in my life ever. Also a 120k USD a year income is small potatoes. Either go big or go home.

Also I don't agree about only getting 4 hours of sleep, or staying up for days on stimulants. Staying up for days on stimulants is going to cause you to make bad decisions. No wonder there's so many retarded posts on WF. Stop being a fucking tweaker! Personally I need at least 8 hours to be functional.
Stop being a faggot, get off of facebook and get back to work you pussy. Jesus, if you wanna whine about your position in life at least whine to people who will give a shit.

Facebook is not real life. Those morons have to get up everyday at like 4am to work for some other faggot that's been there longer than them. They take shit every day and by the time they get home their faggoty ass wife has a list of more shit for them to do and after thats done they go to sleep and do it all over again.

Then on the weekends they get to do fun shit like go shopping for new linens and other really gay ass shit. Don't envy them, pity them..... that's literally their whole life.
What did you tell them? It's all about how you present yourself.

I agree, that's why that kind of attitude (got to better than X) is so destructive.

Not sure if it was just the people I knew or it was me.

We were all trying to prove that we were "the best" which generally resulted in giving shit to anyone who didn't measure up.

Pointless bullshit people get caught up in when they are young.
Don't forget that a lot of people post things on FB, etc. to make their lives look so great, when in fact they are the opposite. It's like talking about how you have a big cock when in fact it's the smallest one on your block (or driving a corvette....same thing).
I agree, that's why that kind of attitude (got to better than X) is so destructive.

Not sure if it was just the people I knew or it was me.

We were all trying to prove that we were "the best" which generally resulted in giving shit to anyone who didn't measure up.

Pointless bullshit people get caught up in when they are young.

I always like to operate under the assumption that there's always going to be someone better than me out there. It keeps me on my toes. Usually it isn't some egotistical loser though.

Also best way to be successful in this space is to build an actual business rather than doing some mindless grind. Then invest your profits into stuff like real estate, such as condos/flats that you rent out. I outsource all of my grind work. I have no tolerance for doing that shit anymore.
I always like to operate under the assumption that there's always going to be someone better than me out there.

Same, I live by that now. But young, dumb and all that.

The wake up call is when one gets their teeth kicked in, metaphorically speaking.