Federal Troops Sent To Alabama

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So yeah, you pay about half of your share. Meanwhile, I'm paying my share as well as a significant portion of yours.

You mean you don't want to 'spread the wealth around'? Last I heard, it was your patriotic duty to pay more taxes.

If the police typically handle that, then yes I would say you violated Posse Comitatus.

This is not an attack on your character airforcematt. I'm sure you had good intentions.

However do tell me where the line is then. Before you know it we'll start hearing that MP's are going out helping the police arrest people because they where "just being nice" and the current police force "needed a little break".

Yeah I see your point, still think that this whole thing is an over-reaction by the media though. Funny thing is 20 years ago nobody would have heard about the military showing up except the people living in that town - and they seem to have had no problem with them being there. Sometimes I think we get TOO much information with the news of today.

For the record I do think Posse Comitatus is a very good thing - mainly playing devils advocate here :)
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