Federal Troops Sent To Alabama

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Didn't BushCo suspend Posse Comitatus a few years ago? I remember there was this big old flap about it at the time...

"Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007" (H.R.5122) (2), which was signed by the commander in chief on October 17th, 2006, in a private Oval Office ceremony, allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder.""

In essence, it repeals Posse Comitatus. Not a stretch to deploy federal troops whenever wherever, although I do wonder who took it upon themselves to give the order...

I think that was repealed in 2008.

Not from the south but maybe its the 14 million extra people in NY vs AL and the infrastructure that is in place to house and employ (most of the) 19 million people is the reason.

I heard something about some stimulus package and that NY state is getting more than any other.

Thank god your holding up the rest of the country.
Not from the south but maybe its the 14 million extra people in NY vs AL and the infrastructure that is in place to house and employ (most of the) 19 million people is the reason.

I heard something about some stimulus package and that NY state is getting more than any other.

Thank god your holding up the rest of the country.


More people * the same amount of money = more money.

If the tax was correctly calculated on a per capita basis then the number of people paying it wouldn't matter at all, in fact with more people to cover the fixed costs of running a state (whatever they may be) the money to cover the scalable costs would increase with more people. Welcome to economies of scale.

On the other hand the price of things is almost certainly higher in NY than buttfuck nowhere, so the tax difference is probably mostly covering that and as a bonus can also explain the higher stimulus payments...

I don't give a shit about your state vs. state war but try and at least make sense.
Did anyone check Public Law 109-364 (H.R. 5122), or are you just repeating a rumor?

I you can
find where it repeals Posse Comitatus, I'd like to read it.


I am not as computer savvy as this bunch ( you all know this :jester:). I know how to do a google search and that's what I did. I looked up the Posse Comitatus and wikipedia says that part about the President taking over the National Guard was repealed. My daughter just told me that anybody can write to that site ...so maybe the info is wrong. I clicked on the link you gave and didn't see anything because some error message came up.

Anyway... I tried to find it outside of the wikipedia, but have not been able to. Maybe that part hasn't been replealed after all. I don't know.

Anyway... if the Governor didn't give the order or make a request, and the President didn't, I'd still like to know who did. The federal government is getting too big too fast. This whole thing just makes me nervous.

I don't give a shit about your state vs. state war but try and at least make sense.

Don't really give a shit either... too much :rasta: here...
Maybe that's why my point doesn't make sense... I left it up to assumption that a city with 19 million people that isn't 3rd world probably has a wicked GDP.

I'm not just pointing out the # of people... The fact that NY City is the largest regional economy in the US and 2nd largest city economy in the world might have more to do with it.

That and Alabama exports wood chips and chicken feet...

Its kinda like the current forum battle...its already over...
I am not as computer savvy as this bunch ( you all know this :jester:). I know how to do a google search and that's what I did.

That wasn't aimed at you Old Goat. I was really wondering about the other claims that Posse Comitatus was repealed.

If the MPs really were getting coffee and cookies, big deal. The idea that not one person was "alledgedly" in command of troops on duty is absolute bullshit though.
If the MPs really were getting coffee and cookies, big deal. The idea that not one person was "alledgedly" in command of troops on duty is absolute bullshit though.

Agreed on the coffee\cookies comment - was probably just a volunteer type thing designed to help community relations, happens all the time.

That said the "we don't know who was in charge line is a bunch of crap.
“On March 10, after a report of an apparent mass murder in Samson, Ala., 22 military police soldiers from Fort Rucker, Ala., along with the provost marshal, were sent to the city of Samson,” Harvey Perritt, spokesman for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at Fort Monroe, Va., told CNSNews.com on Monday.
CNSNews.com - Army Investigating How and Why Troops Were Sent Into Alabama Town After Murder Spree

According to wikipedia "The Provost Marshal is the officer in the armed forces who is in charge of the military police"

They know exactly who it is - they're just laying low.
Well, those of us in Northern states tend to pay for the bridges and highways in YOUR state.

Why? Your absence of state taxes in Alabama or Mississippi or in whatever god-forsaken backwater inbred state you live means that I, as a resident of a state that does collect sufficient state taxes to pay for our own infrastructure are liable to underwrite YOUR infrastructure, YOUR bridges, YOUR highways, YOUR streets, YOUR state police ...

I'm glad you enjoy not paying state taxes. Enjoy your new power plant, bridge and highway ... thanks to those of us who pay for our own infrastructure and additionally subsidize yours.

Federal Troops into Alabama? Good. It's about time. I'm tired of paying for your ass.

See further details on my opinion here:
Fuck the South

I quit reading it after I seen that he was trying to hype Massachusetts. Any state that continues to elect Barney "fudd" Frank into office is fucked.
Testing the waters to see what they can get away with.
Jesus, you conspiracy nuts are hilarious.

They deployed to HELP. The same way the national guard does. A couple military police got in a car and drove just 34 miles off base and directed traffic at the request of local law enforcement..... seriously

You conspiracy wackjobs are acting like a fully armed infantry division from the 82nd airborne parachuted into downtown Samson.
Jesus, you conspiracy nuts are hilarious.

They deployed to HELP. The same way the national guard does. A couple military police got in a car and drove just 34 miles off base and directed traffic at the request of local law enforcement..... seriously

You conspiracy wackjobs are acting like a fully armed infantry division from the 82nd airborne parachuted into downtown Samson.

Nuts? Hardly. My major issue is that no one will own who gave them permission to be there. Why? Because they know that their could be a shit storm if they say they sent them there. Good intentions or not, they shouldn't have been there and no one can figure out who authorized them to be there.

Good intentions don't over-rule walking a fine line or military used in domestic affairs.

If they fucking own it and say "Oh they where really short on help so I authorized them to go pay them a friendly visit." They probably not get as much shit from me, but you got to admit it's a little weird that 22 guys go off base and no one will claim to know where they are.
It wouldn't be a big deal, but military and domestic police have been working together for awhile now, under the premise of preparing troops to police in Iraq (where supposedly they are supposed to be drawing down and relinquishing control to the Iraqi forces).

It wouldn't be a big deal, but just a couple years ago, the neocons tried to do an end run, and remove Posse Comitatus through the John Warner Defense Act.

Knowing a little bit of history, it is incredibly wise to make sure the Rubicon is never crossed even if it seems paranoid.

Once the legions cross the Rubicon, all bets are off.
Reports say that they where used for things like directing traffic. Now in a that has 4 officers, how much traffic can their really be? This place sounds like it's middle of bum fuck nowhere.

Would you also not agree that typically those who do direct traffic are police, and is a police job? If it's something that an officer would normally do, how can you say the MP's weren't doing police jobs?

Whether or not they where kicking ass and taking names makes no difference.
Reports say that they where used for things like directing traffic. Now in a that has 4 officers, how much traffic can their really be? This place sounds like it's middle of bum fuck nowhere.

Would you also not agree that typically those who do direct traffic are police, and is a police job? If it's something that an officer would normally do, how can you say the MP's weren't doing police jobs?

Whether or not they where kicking ass and taking names makes no difference.

I've directed traffic at a wreck before in uniform, does that make me a violator of Posse Comitatus? Heaven forbid we help out from time to time - granted there is a fine line that should be very closely examined and they should say who authorized it but this is getting way too much attention IMHO.
I've directed traffic at a wreck before in uniform, does that make me a violator of Posse Comitatus? Heaven forbid we help out from time to time - granted there is a fine line that should be very closely examined and they should say who authorized it but this is getting way too much attention IMHO.

Today they're just helpfully directing traffic. Tomorrow they direct us into FEMA camps.

Or is it PETA camps? I forget.
I've directed traffic at a wreck before in uniform, does that make me a violator of Posse Comitatus? Heaven forbid we help out from time to time - granted there is a fine line that should be very closely examined and they should say who authorized it but this is getting way too much attention IMHO.

If the police typically handle that, then yes I would say you violated Posse Comitatus.

This is not an attack on your character airforcematt. I'm sure you had good intentions.

However do tell me where the line is then. Before you know it we'll start hearing that MP's are going out helping the police arrest people because they where "just being nice" and the current police force "needed a little break".
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