Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution

what's scary about this is that the government will have a way to shut-up anyone that they don't agree with. If an American is calling out senators and other politicians for corruption, they'll classify that person as a "terrorist"... even though in reality they are just trying to expose scumbags within the government. If this law passes, the government will have a Joker card in their back pocket.

RIP freedom

You guys are all retarded. This is a good thing, they will only target terrorists with this kind of legislation, not good-natured Americans.

I've thought about this. There really may be no place left "on the grid" to be free.
Galt's Gulch, PM me for directions. Peasants not welcome.

Imagine ten years from now? 5? It literally may come to the point to where the only freedom to be had will be to attemp a life completely off the grid... I'm talking the middle of no where nature boy shit.. God damn, interesting times indeed.
States are silently imploding, they are only going to this level of desperation because they have destroyed the system financially, main street just hasn't caught up yet.

I suspect the state will collapse before it can implement any serious tyranny. Not that is a much better solution. Would you rather be dragged down the street by an angry mob or would you rather be forced to live in a police state where every movement you made was scrutinized for loyalty and submission?

Or you could just get a passport and move somewhere laid back.
Galt's Gulch, PM me for directions. Peasants not welcome.

States are silently imploding, they are only going to this level of desperation because they have destroyed the system financially, main street just hasn't caught up yet.

I suspect the state will collapse before it can implement any serious tyranny. Not that is a much better solution. Would you rather be dragged down the street by an angry mob or would you rather be forced to live in a police state where every movement you made was scrutinized for loyalty and submission?

Or you could just get a passport and move somewhere laid back.

I pick the angry mob ANY DAY OF THE FUCKING WEEK.
Good luck defending yourself against stealth drones, sonic canons, gauss rifles and laser beams with your Colt and grenade launcher.

to a point yes but it depends on how things shake out. If it goes the way of a high tech police state then that's one thing. But if the country just collapses and decays into a third world cesspool without tons of government dole jackboots raping and looting everything then it could be a lot of defending against desperate people and opportunists who form gangs and such.

I suspect the state will collapse before it can implement any serious tyranny.

Why do you think that?
Why do you think that?
Because all of these laws are just words on paper.

They only have power because the government has authority.

The government only has authority because it has consent.

The Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall fell without a shot being fired. People simply gave up on a failed system, and the politicians ran with whatever they could carry.

Related reading: The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude - Etienne de la Boetie - Mises Institute

Boétie's task is to investigate the nature of the state and its strange status as a tiny minority of the population that adheres to different rules from everyone else and claims the authority to rule everyone else, maintaining a monopoly on law. It strikes him as obviously implausible that such an institution has any staying power. It can be overthrown in an instant if people withdraw their consent.

He then investigates the mystery as to why people do not withdraw, given what is obvious to him that everyone would be better off without the state. This sends him on a speculative journey to investigate the power of propaganda, fear, and ideology in causing people to acquiesce in their own subjection. Is it cowardice? Perhaps. Habit and tradition. Perhaps. Perhaps it is ideological illusion and intellectual confusion.
Yeah I guess so. I think those example pale in comparison to what's on the table today.

Wiemar Germany was in complete shambles before the third reich did its thing. That's often the strategy. Destroy the economy, people get desperate and go for tyranny.
Wiemar Germany was in complete shambles before the third reich did its thing. That's often the strategy. Destroy the economy, people get desperate and go for tyranny.
I don't think that's possible today.

People are blaming the government. They are skeptical of messiahs. This will only continue.
You guys are all retarded. This is a good thing, they will only target terrorists with this kind of legislation, not good-natured Americans.



I don't think that's possible today.

People are blaming the government. They are skeptical of messiahs. This will only continue.

I see your point, and it is a possibility.. and I guess an inevitability. The question is when? How far will it go until that does happen? At it's birth? After my death?

Man, we are at a serious crossroads in history right now, it's sort of crazy to think about.. I hope you're right, and that people just giving up on the system does the trick. I just wonder if you've considered technology's effect? It is a force multiplier.. and it's only getting more advanced. These spy drones, and robots, weapons, and that creepy ass fema dog.. that's just the tech that we see. What's behind closed doors?

Just sayn.. Pretty sure we ain't seen nothing yet. Times have changed since the last tyranny fell. Tech combined with the fact that so much of the wealth is being concentrated into the hands of few. Might throw put a kink into your theory..

For those who haven't seen the dog... watch when this thing slips on the ice. It's amazing.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNZPRsrwumQ&feature=related"]BigDog Overview (Updated March 2010) - YouTube[/ame]
We all have access to more and better tech.

"Your" tech will be used against you. Just like "your" military will.. it's real simple.

Paranoid? Just analyzing the situation realistically, and determining routes of action. Seems like a win to me.
^Gotta agree with this point... The more high tech stuff that exists I can buy, the more is being used against me... And I can't even buy most of that shit.
Did anyone read the essay I linked?

I did, and like I said.. I get and agree with your point. It becomes a matter of when "consent" is withdrawn. It honestly comes down to the internet.. the information age. This is all new territory in history. At least we got front row seats!

You may be right.. I'm just pointing out that you may be equally wrong as well.
Good luck defending yourself against stealth drones, sonic canons, gauss rifles and laser beams with your Colt and grenade launcher.

What we're looking at is more along the lines of Half-Life 2 than North Korea.

I agree on being "fucked" given this is the case. I dont expect to fight an army and if that was the case, I'd be dead. But if something happened to where solar flares turned electricity off throughout the world, anarchy amongst people, local wars amongst people. I'd be fine... more than guns, I got shit like an underground bunker, food/water preserves and seeds, level 3 night vision, ghillie suits as i posted; potassium iodide, radiiation suits and masks, ability to make my own electric, and other things i wont post here, lol. I guess its bad when a national socialist makes money and becomes paranoid eh? .......But yeah if there were like pusle cannons and stupid crap you speak of = fucked.
Guerilla: I just scanned it and I can't escape the fact that Étienne de La Boétie has never had to imagine such an unintelligent group of sheep who get their entire education about history from the Faux news network and its' pals.

Sure, governments are consent driven, but they have spent hundreds of years now hiding that fact and now completely control the flow of education that would allow the masses to UNDERSTAND that it is consent driven.

This is all totally irrelevant in our times; the fight is elsewhere.
Guerilla: I just scanned it and I can't escape the fact that Étienne de La Boétie has never had to imagine such an unintelligent group of sheep who get their entire education about history from the Faux news network and its' pals.
So basically, you didn't read it.

Remember what I wrote about people only seeking opinions which confirm what they already believe?