Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution

Nice list. I had the same 4 on mine, but also Brazil. I actually just moved to Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) a few weeks ago, and I love it. Definitely wasn't my first choice but I'm with my fiance who has a medical condition and shes never lived outside the country. So being a 4 hour flight from Vancouver is nice peace of mind.

I've thought about Mexico, but it just doesn't seem far enough away. So I assume as long as you're not close to the border there are no violence issues? Is mexico easier ro immigrate to?

Got a room for rent? Will write articles for food. lulz.

Seeing how I have family in the Oklahoma house and they'd be pretty pissed about that, yes. You would see at least some people in the Oklahoma government upset about it raising a fuss. I'd almost bet other states have like minded people. You simply can't detain US citizens with out a trail and expect it to go good.

History shows that it's never as cut and dry as you guys are making it out to be.

Crackp0t you're right, there are politicians and law enforcement all over the country who would not go along with something like this - at least not right away without some convincing.

But what if we have a few more 9/11s around the country? What if we have a dozen more, and one's in Tulsa? Replay the explosions a few million times on the news, throw up some mentally retarded Iranian patsies, get some CIA douche to say they were working with al qaeda, you're pretty much off to the races for a lot of people who would otherwise respect the Bill of Rights. Especially if the Feds sweeten the pot by telling them FEMA is ready to take control of their State government and if they give them any trouble their Federal funding will quickly dry up. Or some other blackmail.

Not speaking for your family specifically but the possibility is there.

And on the other hand there will be pockets of resistance where unified groups of lawmakers and law enforcement officers resist federal tyranny and create local and regional pockets of dissent. Not to mention people in communities outside of government and law enforcement overthrowing corrupt forces who try to go along with things like this.

It won't be the same all across the board.
I've thought about Mexico, but it just doesn't seem far enough away. So I assume as long as you're not close to the border there are no violence issues? Is mexico easier ro immigrate to?

Got a room for rent? Will write articles for food. lulz.

I know, I know. Mexico. I get that shit all the time. We're about 1600 KM driving from the border. It's definitely far away. Cabo is basically on the tip of the Baja Peninsula.

If you're serious I'd come check it out, and see if you like it. It's a cool place.
Why not? They just ordered the assassination of a US citizen without a trial and both sides of the aisle rejoiced. Not to mention I've yet to convince anybody in real life why that was a bad idea. Americans don't care what happens to other Americans if the Government tells us they were terrorists.

Yep, doesn't matter how crystal clear I paint the fucking picture.. people just aren't capable of making the connection. I give up trying.. We truly are fucked.
applied for my passport last week. leaving at all costs within 6 months. it was 2 years, then I lowered it to 1 year.. now 6 fucking months.

hmmm where to? Phillipines, Thailand, Costa Rica, and Uruguay are all on my short list.

Consider southern Brazil. Close to Uruguay but not as sleepy. Better beaches, too.
I think fleeing the U.S. won't be enough because almost any country you would go to would give you up in a heart beat if the U.S. asked or even put you in one of their secret prisons - think Thailand and their secret prisons where they have held suspects for torture interrogation.

They name you as a terror suspect on whatever whim. They see you have reported your foreign address. They send a polite note to the foreign government to pick you up. You are never seen again.
Why not? They just ordered the assassination of a US citizen without a trial and both sides of the aisle rejoiced. Not to mention I've yet to convince anybody in real life why that was a bad idea. Americans don't care what happens to other Americans if the Government tells us they were terrorists.

I agree. The statement of "you simply can't detain US citizens with out a trial and expect it to go good" doesn't really matter anymore. A law is passing that powers CAN do this, regardless that citizens may object to it. Of course your family and friends will be up in arms that you just disappeared but I hardly doubt it would affect the rest of the US. If you're a "terrorist" or have been suspected as such, you will have a small percentage of people who care about important issues and who would join your family in caring, but the most of the US will go on with their lives without even hearing about it.

When the patriot act was passing that feds can tap anything without a warrant, some citizens objected to it because it's an absurd invasion of privacy. Technically that didn't "go good" but it is a law now and they are carrying out what it stated in that law with impunity. The majority of the populous are invalids who don't even know who the vice president is, so expecting them to be 1) informed and 2) in an outrage over something the powers have carried out, good luck to that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_rCNpCDpAc&feature=player_embedded]Citizenship Test 5m - YouTube[/ame]
applied for my passport last week. leaving at all costs within 6 months. it was 2 years, then I lowered it to 1 year.. now 6 fucking months.

hmmm where to? Phillipines, Thailand, Costa Rica, and Uruguay are all on my short list.

I got property on the big island of hawaii; the way i figure it is when the government falls i only have to deal with X amount of crazies. people would have to swim 2500 miles from the mainland to get to me or my family. It rains everyday, so water is always there - you can always hunt or fish. IMO; its the ideal place to live when the government falls (and it will).

..........And fucking mexico would be the g dam last place I'd wanna move too. I think I already live in mexico (Socal)
^^ Will do thanks for the suggestion. Currently reading up on Cabo and Malta.

Lived in Malta for about 6 months, and can't say I'd recommend living there. It's an awesome little island, great party life, great people, good weather, very peaceful and safe, some stunning scenery, etc. Only problem is, you're stuck on a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Gets pretty boring after a while.

I met loads of people who moved to Malta permanently, but don't know of a single person who lasted more than a 1 year. I only lasted 6 months. Most get bored and leave.
I think fleeing the U.S. won't be enough because almost any country you would go to would give you up in a heart beat if the U.S. asked or even put you in one of their secret prisons - think Thailand and their secret prisons where they have held suspects for torture interrogation.

They name you as a terror suspect on whatever whim. They see you have reported your foreign address. They send a polite note to the foreign government to pick you up. You are never seen again.

I've thought about this. There really may be no place left "on the grid" to be free. It truly is an emerging world government. Even the nsaa bill outlines being able to ship US "detainees" to other countries for detention.

I guess it really comes down to just how far you think this will go in the US.. me personally, I see full, unbridled persecution coming down the pipe. Being in a different country may not keep you out of reach of the gov, but it may keep you off the radar. I really don't know. Either way, this is some scary shit.

Imagine ten years from now? 5? It literally may come to the point to where the only freedom to be had will be to attemp a life completely off the grid... I'm talking the middle of no where nature boy shit.. God damn, interesting times indeed.
Lived in Malta for about 6 months, and can't say I'd recommend living there. It's an awesome little island, great party life, great people, good weather, very peaceful and safe, some stunning scenery, etc. Only problem is, you're stuck on a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Gets pretty boring after a while.

I met loads of people who moved to Malta permanently, but don't know of a single person who lasted more than a 1 year. I only lasted 6 months. Most get bored and leave.

That's what I was concerned with... it's a tiny fucking island in the middle of nowhere.. bound to get old. Then again, if one was after peace rather than excitement, that could be a good thing.
I think fleeing the U.S. won't be enough because almost any country you would go to would give you up in a heart beat if the U.S. asked or even put you in one of their secret prisons - think Thailand and their secret prisons where they have held suspects for torture interrogation.

They name you as a terror suspect on whatever whim. They see you have reported your foreign address. They send a polite note to the foreign government to pick you up. You are never seen again.
inb4 panama/belize/st.kitts&nevis economic citizenship
I've thought about this. There really may be no place left "on the grid" to be free. It truly is an emerging world government. Even the nsaa bill outlines being able to ship US "detainees" to other countries for detention.

I guess it really comes down to just how far you think this will go in the US.. me personally, I see full, unbridled persecution coming down the pipe. Being in a different country may not keep you out of reach of the gov, but it may keep you off the radar. I really don't know. Either way, this is some scary shit.

Imagine ten years from now? 5? It literally may come to the point to where the only freedom to be had will be to attemp a life completely off the grid... I'm talking the middle of no where nature boy shit.. God damn, interesting times indeed.

I literally spend about 5% of my income on guns, ammo, and other cool shit. I constantly read about survival. If you don't do this, your stupid. Remember what Thomas Jefferson said; (The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ). Be ready, don't be a victim.
I literally spend about 5% of my income on guns, ammo, and other cool shit. I constantly read about survival. If you don't do this, your stupid. Remember what Thomas Jefferson said; (The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ). Be ready, don't be a victim.
Good luck defending yourself against stealth drones, sonic canons, gauss rifles and laser beams with your Colt and grenade launcher.

What we're looking at is more along the lines of Half-Life 2 than North Korea.
Good luck defending yourself against stealth drones, sonic canons, gauss rifles and laser beams with your Colt and grenade launcher.
Yeah, this is what I was thinking too...

I've got a gun or two myself but more and more as time goes by I can't ever see using them (other than fun) unless civilization simply falls... Using them against something like an evil government would be like a peashooter v/s a bazooka.

They'll likely use airborn anthrax and poison our water supplies anyway if it got really bad. Seriously, if this keeps getting worse all we can do is fucking leave.

I know Mark's right and it's not perfect but it's a fuckton better than personally fighting stealth bombers with your handguns.
You simply can't detain US citizens with out a trail and expect it to go good.

Sure you can. Seriously, if the US govt rounded up say a couple hundred people tomorrow, threw them into an internment camp, then CNN and Fox News told us they were bad people, what would happen? Absolutely nothing. Some people would write some nasty blog posts, maybe there'd be a few street protests, but all in all, nothing would happen.

The government doesn't need to make people happy. They just need to ensure they don't cross the line between mass-obedience and disobedience. And these days, that line is pretty far out there.

TSA and body scanners is a good example of slowly encroaching on civil liberties. Again, if this was say 1970, and they tried to enact the scanners, full body searches of kids, etc... it would have probably ended quite a bit differently. You'd probably have thousands of people protesting, who would storm an airport, rip the body scanners out of the floor, and have a bon fire in the parking lot with them. These days though it's just another small step, so everyone takes it up the ass, and you can expect the same if and when they begin holding people without trial or lawyer.