Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwedx6kZhHg]Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution - YouTube[/ame]

@ 6:45 of the video the announcer urges all Patriotic Americans to blow up the comment line of the White House and demand Obama doesn't sign the bill. I guess we know who's getting detained first when the bill gets passed.

Block your caller ID's bros!
And most of America remains asleep at the wheel. I wonder what people will think when people start disappearing. It's like that in many places around the world. Someone who is a thorn in the side of the government gets taken away and is never seen again. Family and friends scream about it but nobody knows where they went, no legal proceeding, nothing.

Nearly all of your elected officials are in on this so using your political systems does nothing for you. The only thing that can slow it down is to starve the government of funding. As long as you keep funding the government with your taxes they will grow and grow. Find a way to go unnoticed and untaxed - that's your patriotic duty.

Although, it might be too late already because the government will just come take everything and lock you up as a "belligerent". And if that's not enough they will print so more fiat money. So yeah, I think we are all f*cked.
This is similar to the communist roundup of the 50s. At least this time the gov will be able to kill all of these suspected terrorists. Between this bill and SOPA how is this any different from China? China censors the internet and has no problem with having their military kill people in the streets of the citys.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5nZAzN7sZE]Chinese Execution - YouTube[/ame]

Next time it will be guys wearing this flag

I wonder what people will think when people start disappearing.

There'll probably be more than enough people who support it, so as not to cause too much civil strife. For example, US goes into Iran, so naturally you'll begin seeing Iranian-Americans disappearing off the streets. People in places like Alabama and Oklahoma will think that's an excellent idea, because after all, the US is at war.

If anti-war protesters begin causing too much civil strife, there's a chance they'll be hauled away too. Again, it'll probably to the applause of all the God fearing patriotic Americans, because America is #1 and you must support the troops in their time of need! Then who knows, maybe later on the government will decide its best if all those patriotic Americans didn't have their small arsenals of weapons, but by then it'll be late for the patriotic guys to stand up against the government, because everything is too far gone and well established.
fuck china this fuck china that, and Americans are completely unaware that their country is turning into the next China.
Maybe there is hope yet, if Ron Paul can get these leftards to tacitly endorse him who knows what the future might hold. Skip to around 2:30.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQRmML09Ybo]Ron Paul Catching Newt Gingrich in Iowa - YouTube[/ame]
applied for my passport last week. leaving at all costs within 6 months. it was 2 years, then I lowered it to 1 year.. now 6 fucking months.

hmmm where to? Phillipines, Thailand, Costa Rica, and Uruguay are all on my short list.
Good thing you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

So if the US goes into Iran, and news reports start coming out about Iranian-Americans being held indefinitely without trial or lawyer, because they pose a threat to winning the war, we can expect a public outcry throughout the bible belt?

Not bloody likely... they'll support it. Just like they did leading up to, and during the Iraq invasion. Then once people are desensitized to that, the scope will broaden. Then born & bred Americans who are "sympathetic" to Iran by speaking in the streets, or posting blogs, will get rounded up. And again, it will be supported by a decent portion of the population.

This is just how it goes... that old adage of putting a frog in boiling water vs. luke warm water, while constantly heating it. Just think if this was 1970, and all the current laws, agencies, and departments that are in place now were enacted overnight. The Whitehouse would be a pile of ashes within a week.
So if the US goes into Iran, and news reports start coming out about Iranian-Americans being held indefinitely without trial or lawyer, because they pose a threat to winning the war, we can expect a public outcry throughout the bible belt?

Not bloody likely... they'll support it. Just like they did leading up to, and during the Iraq invasion. Then once people are desensitized to that, the scope will broaden. Then born & bred Americans who are "sympathetic" to Iran by speaking in the streets, or posting blogs, will get rounded up. And again, it will be supported by a decent portion of the population.

This is just how it goes... that old adage of putting a frog in boiling water vs. luke warm water, while constantly heating it. Just think if this was 1970, and all the current laws, agencies, and departments that are in place now were enacted overnight. The Whitehouse would be a pile of ashes within a week.

Seeing how I have family in the Oklahoma house and they'd be pretty pissed about that, yes. You would see at least some people in the Oklahoma government upset about it raising a fuss. I'd almost bet other states have like minded people. You simply can't detain US citizens with out a trail and expect it to go good.
So if the US goes into Iran, and news reports start coming out about Iranian-Americans being held indefinitely without trial or lawyer, because they pose a threat to winning the war, we can expect a public outcry throughout the bible belt?

Not bloody likely... they'll support it. Just like they did leading up to, and during the Iraq invasion. Then once people are desensitized to that, the scope will broaden. Then born & bred Americans who are "sympathetic" to Iran by speaking in the streets, or posting blogs, will get rounded up. And again, it will be supported by a decent portion of the population.

This is just how it goes... that old adage of putting a frog in boiling water vs. luke warm water, while constantly heating it. Just think if this was 1970, and all the current laws, agencies, and departments that are in place now were enacted overnight. The Whitehouse would be a pile of ashes within a week.

Where you have no fucking idea what your talking about is that you think this is aimed at Iranian Americans.. This is all about "home grown terror"
Where you have no fucking idea what your talking about is that you think this is aimed at Iranian Americans.. This is all about "home grown terror"

Never said that. Just implied that if the US does actually go into Iran, Iranian-Americans will probably one of the first groups of people to begin disappearing off the streets.
applied for my passport last week. leaving at all costs within 6 months. it was 2 years, then I lowered it to 1 year.. now 6 fucking months.

hmmm where to? Phillipines, Thailand, Costa Rica, and Uruguay are all on my short list.

Nice list. I had the same 4 on mine, but also Brazil. I actually just moved to Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) a few weeks ago, and I love it. Definitely wasn't my first choice but I'm with my fiance who has a medical condition and shes never lived outside the country. So being a 4 hour flight from Vancouver is nice peace of mind.