Fat is good for you.

i eat modified paleo and feel great. No grains/breads but lots of meat and fats!

The whole cholesterol scare has a lot of inconclusive evidence.

I'm European, what are these?

Standard yellow cheese = just cheese that's yellow. Generic name. Could be cheddar, could be something else.


Cheese wheel = this is usually the shape that cheese is formed into before it's aged. Not the commercial shit, but like the old-school way of making cheese. More common for hard, European cheeses like Parmesan and shit, but I guess you can make orange cheese that way too...


didn't read thread.

Been doing a low-to-no carb primal diet. Down 11 lbs in about 2 weeks. Tons more energy and endurance. Shit is legit.
trans fats are the "bad fats". Saturated and unsaturated are good to go! animal fats is where its at.