FAST, POWERFUL & AFFORDABLE - Dedicated Bulletproof Servers for Xrumer and Black Hat

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We are now offering SSD! (solid state drives)

They are here at no extra cost!

For those who do not need a lot of hard drive space and want fast performance, this is for you.

You may read up more about this at
Spamahost - Announcements

--- We have also added a new i7 plan and New OS options!


mrpatel held my hand through the entire process, I had a lot of experience with scrapebox but little to none with xrumer. I just paid for them to handle everything (os installation, xrumer installation) which cost me something like $40 extra which is chump change when you want everything to be set up correctly.

I'm doing pretty simple profile blasts at the moment and I am generally getting anywhere between 600/700links per minute which I think is pretty awesome (although as I said I don't have a lot of xrumer experience so I could be wrong).

I haven't had any issues with complaints and I've been running this pretty consistently with no proxies at all.

I've also experienced no downtime at all.

I had mrpatel on my skype, but I haven't seen him online since my server was fully installed and I had successfully posted my first blast (~7days). It would have been good to get his advice on one or two things and possibly buy some lists from him. I think there is a more official skype for spamahost so I'll try that but if mrpatel has blocked me (not sure if he has or what and it's fine if he has as support isn't included) it would have been good to get a heads up.

All in all you're getting what you pay for. Could you get this elsewhere for much cheaper? Yes. But the amount of bullshit you're going to have to deal with in terms of using proxies and dealing with complaints is not worth it in my opinion at all.


I'll be buying more servers when I need to scale up.
Thanks for the review.

But, just a heads up, Mr.Patel is no way running the company/ working for it.. He helped us post a few threads in the beggining, that is why some people think he is working for us.

We are ONLY affiliated sites with him. What happens between mr.patel and yourself is a different company. (

We have compared our prices to other competitors, and no one is even NEAR close to offering what we do at the price we do.

Spamahost just deals with the actual servers but not support or technical help related to mr.patel
Just wanted to post another review because I am so happy with these guys.

I don't think I really ever dip below 600links/min, support is awesome (I had mrpatel on skype rather than spamahost, now that I've got spamahost support never takes longer than a few minutes to respond).

When I mentioned previously that you could find it for cheaper, I meant you could find servers for cheaper. I can't find anything that compares to this service because everything else makes me use proxies and if I get caught then I get a ton of complaints.

We got some promotions on dedicated server.

Contact us over PM or Skype for more info.
Santa's VPS Promo for today and tommorow only!

Get Our VPS Xen Mini with 1,000 GB Bandwidth Instead of 200 Gb! (5x More!)

Get Our VPS Xen Uno with 2,000 GB Bandwidth Instead of 500 Gb! (4x More!)

On the order notes, write "I want Santa's Ultimate VPS Bandwidth Promotion!" to take advantage of this 2 day offer!

If you are looking for a dedicated server, talk to us on live chat we have even more deals ongoing!
VPS Servers bandwidth increase!

These bandwidth limits are here to stay!

Xen Mini- Original (200 GB) New- (800 GB!)
Xen Uno- Original (500 GB) New- (1,500 GB!)
Xen Ultimate- Original (1,000 GB) New- (2,500 GB!)

Check it out for more details!

Spamahost VPS Servers
Just leaving another mini review. spamahost still kicks ass.

Still busting out 600/links/min.

For those playing at home, that's over 800,000 links/day.

I got bored the other day so I blasted 5,000,000 profile links at a brand new domain to see what would happen. It's currently ranking for a term that gets 3,000,000 exact match searches per month, I fully expect it to drop out of the top ten soon but it's still been a nice little payday even if it only lasts a few more days.
Hmm so I am looking for server space in regards to hosting warez porn sites, would you guys ignore complaints on that too?
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