Fast 125+ Social Bookmarking service

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any reason my order wasn't completed in 1 hour like you offer? not that Im in a rush or anything, but you say you'll do it in 1 hour and then you don't?

Garrett , very sorry for this delay, the thing is that we have a lot of orders. Your report will be sent to you soon, also I will offer you 1 free submittion in future as apologise.
Garrett , very sorry for this delay, the thing is that we have a lot of orders. Your report will be sent to you soon, also I will offer you 1 free submittion in future as apologise.

hey don't worry about it ... I'll pay for my orders ;) thanks though!
My review: I agree with alot of what YouDontKnowMe has said above. The only difference for me was my service wasn't fast like advertised. I thought it would be 1hour, but it was more like 24 hours. ceobot explained that he had tons and tons of orders coming in, so it took a little longer than expected.. which is fine with me.

Overall, it was good value for 5 measly bucks.
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