Fast 125+ Social Bookmarking service

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New member
Sep 21, 2010
Rating - 83.3%
5   1   0

I want to offer a really cheap and fast Social Bookmarking service.
Don't pay extra money for the crappy 500+ bookmarks, better pay for the 125+ top Social Bookmarks, the price is just $5 and the delivery time is 1 hour. You will not find such kind of offer anywhere else. Also I guarantee that we will write unique descriptions for each Social bookmarking website while submitting your website.We will also send you a full report after submittion is complete.

So what will you get in the end:
125+ Social Bookmarking
Working time 1 hour
Price $5
(Bulk order, minimum of 4 URLs 20% Discount)

Please give us the details for your order :
Title (Make sure to include your main keyword in the title)
Description (Make sure to use your keywords in the description)
Keywords (Max 5)

Your email to send the report
WE ACCEPT Adult related sites for this service

First 3 people from this forum will get a FULL FREE submittion for a fair review from their side.

inked, BeePK and YouDontKnowMe took 3 FREE SUBMITTION reviews. I will not offer a free review any more. Now you should pay $5 for 125+ submittion.

P.S. If you're unhappy with my work, and I can't fix it, Money back Guaranteed. While I don't think this will happen, it's worth it to note.
Thanks to all. I will send you report as soon as the job will be finished. Many thanks in advance!
Guys, your free reports were sent to your emails. Please check is everything is correct and please leave fair reviews for my service! Many thanks in advance!

P.M. Please also sorry for a little delay, it is because I made 3 submittion at once.
Review :-

He just sent me report one hour before, This guy is using some kind of self made software for submission as he said me in msg, i am just surprised he done everything perfect what he said in thread, he give me more than 150+ submission

in some fields its written submission failed, however he compensate this failure with many links already, for the price 5$ this service is best as its giving result and my given link is submitted in all major social bookmarking sites,

i will his services again for my other websites
BeePk , thanks for fair review, it will be a pleasure for me to work with you again.
TylerL, sorry man, no free reviews anymore. However I can offer a $3 price for you.

**Definitely got more than 125.
**Quick service.
**Most have title as the anchor text.
**Only $5!

**Lots of nofollow bookmarks (although he never makes the claim that they will be nofollow, I'm just pointing this out to anybody who might be wondering).
**The names of the accounts he used for my bookmarks were like Female Escorts, London Escorts, etc. I have no idea. My site has nothing to do with adult content. I feel this is an unnecessary risk to getting the accounts flagged as inappropriate.
**Some accounts were deleted by the time I checked them (which was less than 12 hours since he sent me the report).

Overall, I would honestly question the SEO value of this, but since it's only $5 it is a very small investment and worth a try.

Advice to ceobot: Try not to make bookmarking account names that sound X-rated or spammy. This will help with account longevity. Also, try to find higher PR and dofollow bookmark sites. These changes would make your service a huge sucess!

Thanks for the free copy.
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