Fantasy Football

draft date not set in stone... we can figure out a date... and yea it doesnt have to be 300... i kind of just threw it out there... 100 would be the least

300 dollars is only 18.75 a week rebilled... if that helps anyone ease into the 300

Is the draft the 23rd? What's the draft order? What's the buy in? What's the leaguesafe? I'm taking off for 5-6 days, will have uber limited internet most of them but will be back by the 21st.
Draft: 23rd at 9pm eastern if this works for everyone
Draft order: will be random and known 15 minutes prior
Buy In: 300
League safe will be setup when we have enough... we are still 1 short
K, if you can't get a hold of me until Tuesday, don't stress. I'm in. I like the scoring format and shallow benches, going to make for some interesting situations.