Family law judge beats own daughter for using the internet.

You only hit someone when you are to stupid to figure out an alternate solution. . .

I have a temper and haven't ever hit anyone, I have broken objects but to actually hit someone because they did something harmless that you don't like is RETARDED.

I bet that dude cries like a little bitch once someone else beats him into submission.
That was awful to watch. Way past your ordinary spanking.

At any rate, it looks like a bunch of people on Reddit are already forming a posse to lynch this guy.
That's horrible. That poor kid.. If I was her I would have told someone and released the video right away.

I know that it was common to hit kids a long time ago but now? I don't think anyone should..they just don't deserve it. I believe in verbal communication instead of violence.
If it`s been 12 years and she released this just now then her father must still be a cunt and she`s finally had enough.

And that guy is indeed a cunt. If she breaks the rules regarding the computer - guess what, no more computer for a while. That`s a reasonable and smart way to go about it. Not beating your kid while cursing them out and making them feel worthless.
Grown man stands over his 14 year old daughter and tells her he's going to beat her into submission (after already doing so)....

<hurr durr>

</hurr durr>
wtf where is humanity? Fuck relationship but where is the fucking humanity?
He's lucky he had a daughter to beat, and that wasn't a 16yo son he was beating, because the son would have probably came back with an aluminum bat.

If he had that much aggression in him, he should have went to a bar, and picked a fight with someone his own size. Not a 16yo girl.
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That's abuse plain and simple. That's not a "smack", that's a fucking beating. I got a smack as a child, once on the backside, with the hand when I was naughty. I was never struck with a belt. What he does is angry and nothing more than outright physical abuse. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a twat.