Family law judge beats own daughter for using the internet.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
[ame=]Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet - YouTube[/ame]

Just saw this on reddit, fucked up beyond belief. She has apparently just released the video many years later.

[url=""]Judge William Adams[/url] abusing his daughter.

So let me get this right...

Kid breaks the law
Dad tells her to bend over for a spanking
Kid is too retarded to bend over so gets hit on the arm/leg
Kid cries
Mother tells kid to bend over
Kid bends over and gets spanked, and it's basically over
Kid records and fucks his dads career over

Am I meant to feel sorry for the kid?
So let me get this right...

Kid breaks the law
Dad tells her to bend over for a spanking
Kid is too retarded to bend over so gets hit on the arm/leg
Kid cries
Mother tells kid to bend over
Kid bends over and gets spanked, and it's basically over
Kid records and fucks his dads career over

Am I meant to feel sorry for the kid?

There is a difference between getting a spanking and getting beat dozens of times with a leather strap you fucking twat.


Aransas County Court-At-Law

Judge William Adams Aransas County Court at Law

Corrupt, Child Abuser, Liar, Conspirator

I was visiting County Court at Law in Aransas County on October 11, 2010, and I was horrified at what I saw. The case involved custody of a 6 year old child.

The mother presented medical records from Texas Mental Health and Retardation Services (MHMR) showing that the child care provider used by the father was homicidal, suicidal, psychotic and heavily drugged among other things. Judge William Adams presiding judge of the Court held that this evidence was “irrelevant.” I heard the lawyer for the mother say “You better hope this child is not hurt.” Incredibly, Judge William Adams just shrugged his shoulders.

The father, his lawyer, and the child care provider had all lied earlier claiming the child care provider was perfectly OK. Judge William Adams couldn’t care less about this lie designed to endanger the child. The hearing was obviously rigged and the truth would not interfere with the outcome that had been predetermined. Judge William Adams didn’t even conceal the corruption.
Corrupt Judge William Adams Aransas
There is a difference between getting a spanking and getting beat dozens of times with a leather strap you fucking twat.

Yet the video clearly indicates that there wouldn't have been dozens of hits if the kid had of just bent over when asked the first time, but instead the retard continued to be disobedient.

Whenever I did something which warranted my dad going to get a switch, I knew that the least resistance I showed meant the least amount of swings. That logic should just be common sense for a 16 year old, since I worked it out well before I even hit my teens.
Yet the video clearly indicates that there wouldn't have been dozens of hits if the kid had of just bent over when asked the first time, but instead the retard continued to be disobedient.

Whenever I did something which warranted my dad going to get a switch, I knew that the least resistance I showed meant the least amount of swings. That logic should just be common sense for a 16 year old, since I worked it out well before I even hit my teens.

Right, because a father who says to his child as he is beating her "lay down or I'll smack you in the fucking face", "I'll just have to beat you into submission" and "putting games on there, I ought to just keep beating you and beating you" is really the most rational of people and would keep the lashings to a minimum.

You can try to defend that piece of shit all you want, there is no excuse for beating your child.
You can try to defend that piece of shit all you want, there is no excuse for beating your child.

Oh, so you need to have multiple kids so your kids get beatings from siblings when they misbehave then /sarcasm

Feminist bitch.
^ not to mention the insults about her not deserving to live in his home.

the fuck just likes being in control.

There are other ways to handle the situation if you don't like the computer grab the damn thing and throw it away. . . problem solved

or he could just go kill himself that what a real bad ass does!
So let me get this right...

Kid breaks the law
Dad tells her to bend over for a spanking
Kid is too retarded to bend over so gets hit on the arm/leg
Kid cries
Mother tells kid to bend over
Kid bends over and gets spanked, and it's basically over
Kid records and fucks his dads career over

Am I meant to feel sorry for the kid?

She waited around 12 years to post the video online.

She should have done it sooner. Also if you look up the records of the judges court ruling on cases involving child abuse, this video is very ironic.

He is definitely fucked.
Something tells me she's avoiding turning over because it gives him a single target to hit repeatedly, which, would hurt a lot worse after several strikes than randomly getting hit in different locations.

Definitely uncalled for, and anyone who think's this is OK is a moron. I'm for a spanking, but this is about a mile past the line of excessive.
i hope i see someone doing that to their kid some day just so i can beat the shit out of them.
Something tells me she's avoiding turning over because it gives him a single target to hit repeatedly, which, would hurt a lot worse after several strikes than randomly getting hit in different locations.

I can assure you, being hit directly on the ass (even several times) is significantly less painful than a "miss". Being whipped across the forearm or hands hurts like hell, same with the upper thighs and lower back. The ass has a lot more pain tolerance than the thin skin around the rest of the body.
I can assure you, being hit directly on the ass (even several times) is significantly less painful than a "miss". Being whipped across the forearm or hands hurts like hell, same with the upper thighs and lower back. The ass has a lot more pain tolerance than the thin skin around the rest of the body.
I can agree with this much from experience.

Title of the thread is a bit misleading, but I agree that the guy went clearly overboard.