Facebook seo

How do you feel about the possibility of a facebook search engine

  • mo money

    Votes: 59 58.4%
  • mo problems

    Votes: 31 30.7%
  • Scared

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters

i would like to say it would really give Googles local business/places/maps a run for the money - but with Google Earth/GPS/fuckingeverymobiledevicecintegratedwithit there is no way. they would be better off starting from scratch with a new indexing system an algorith.

maybe a local biz search engine that did not allow directores, and limited domains to having 30 pages per domain. i would LOVE to see who came up on top
wow! thats awesome

we will get traffic now from more search engines, lol

There is opportunity hidden in every crisis :D
Facebook now a days is really cool and they make more more money..search engine of facebook will be more interesting and i can wait about it..
I forget the actual number, but I've read that a ridiculous percentage of articles read on the internet are through people clicking on their friends' FB posts. I think facebook could find a way to make a huge dent in search considering they have a whole bunch social connection information to use that is completely hidden from Google
They will put up a search engine have no doubt about it.

It's a top-down culture in a company run by a doofus, where techs are asked to implement things based on decisions made by morons. That and the rush (as a knee-jerk response to Google indexing it) will likely ensure it'll be, um, ur, continue to be a viable market for independents.

But what do I actually know? - I basing that on recruitment and development rumours, some knowledge of what Google is doing, some comments made by money people about Facebook's finances - and some extrapolations I plucked out of my arse. Like - MySpace and Facebook, different dogs - same leg action.

I'm much more interested in Google+. Much smaller audience, harder to reach, not as impulsive at purchasing - but they've much more money. When I say smaller audience - Google+ is mostly real people, most of Facebook is bullshit and I'm not just talking about the accounts for fictional characters. I'd be more concerned about how soon the Facebook bubble is going to burst, than a Facebook search engine.
facebook is half as good as what it seems to be, I think fb will not be able to turn the traffic it expects for search and actually many people still do not use fb.
Mostly people use FB for contact with each other. FB doesn't have enough viewers who come for the information.
FB is good only for those who are friends lover. For search engine fb should change it's name.
can't wait for the day that this happens.

To all those people saying Google is so far ahead? wtf are you kidding me, and your here posting on a seo forum.

Google is the most retarded outdated peice of crap ever.

1. Authority based on backlinks? Sure back in 2000 when everyone was blogging backlinks could determine a sites buzz and popularity, it's 2011 now, the general population don't blog they use Facebook. Facebook could build a far more accurate search engine by analysing trending topics / urls / websites in it's social data which Facebook denied google access to. Most, if not all the sites that are ranking these days are sites that have been well SEOed not sites which are popular.

2. Ranking based on anchor text? Yea right, even if a site is popular in a niche, other webmasters are not going to naturally link to the site with anchor text like "buy TV", again sites which are ranking for money terms = SEOed sites.

google = stinking fail search engine, but nothing better to use atm.

Go facebook!
Facebook would kill it with search if they ever spend enough time to make a kickass algorithm. Something with social mixed in with keywords, plus knowing peoples interests. Basically sounds unstoppable. They have information that google doesn't
facebook have great information on it's users but I dont think they will just be able to rely on their likes. It's going to be quite a learning curve for them.