Ok guys get Your fucking Caligraphy fuckibg pens ready because I'm about to tel you my opinion about Facebook. Wow fuckibg iPhone capitalized Facebook do you know what's up. Ok Facebook is a fuckibg incestrial breeding ground for narcisicism and depression. You're either showing off on how fuckibg god damn cool your life is or you're bitching and complaining until you hit Rock go damn bottom. Then there are those who are stuk in between but each and everyone of them evaluate their lives on ficking likes and comments well most of them. I have already mentioned that statement in other thread about fb. I deleted my fb almost a year ago you know why? Cause I don't give a flyin fuck about what these cunts I grew up with are up to.
If they really mattered I would call them or if I
Mattered to them they would call me or somehow get my contact Info like I get there's. Facebook is cool but it's definitely going to be obsolete in lets say 7-9 years when fuckibg humanity realizes that having 1k friends and 30 likes on a stupid ass status doesn't mean shit. If someone really matters they would e contacted directly like fucking god damn 1968.
God damn sheep. Stop evaluating your lives according to Facebook and actually live a fulfilling life that will be echoed on SERPS and god damn history books. Godspeed my children Godspeed im too tired zzzzzzzzzzzz