Facebook is now boring as per regular users ... I told you

No one gives a fuck about your new jet ski.

Oh but you know they do man, they think about it all the time, just like the other day, I put the picture of fucknuckle in front of the car I just bought and call it the sunshine of my life, well, I just wanted to show the car and I know people couldn't careless about the little bugger, he is three for fuck sake, pretty much useless, even I forgot his name from time to time. But subtle show off? priceless.
Oh look, it's this again.

Facebook is boring when people stop using it. More data is being shared on Facebook year-on-year every year. Until that starts declining any poll isn't going to change my mind.
Ok guys get Your fucking Caligraphy fuckibg pens ready because I'm about to tel you my opinion about Facebook. Wow fuckibg iPhone capitalized Facebook do you know what's up. Ok Facebook is a fuckibg incestrial breeding ground for narcisicism and depression. You're either showing off on how fuckibg god damn cool your life is or you're bitching and complaining until you hit Rock go damn bottom. Then there are those who are stuk in between but each and everyone of them evaluate their lives on ficking likes and comments well most of them. I have already mentioned that statement in other thread about fb. I deleted my fb almost a year ago you know why? Cause I don't give a flyin fuck about what these cunts I grew up with are up to.

If they really mattered I would call them or if I
Mattered to them they would call me or somehow get my contact Info like I get there's. Facebook is cool but it's definitely going to be obsolete in lets say 7-9 years when fuckibg humanity realizes that having 1k friends and 30 likes on a stupid ass status doesn't mean shit. If someone really matters they would e contacted directly like fucking god damn 1968.

God damn sheep. Stop evaluating your lives according to Facebook and actually live a fulfilling life that will be echoed on SERPS and god damn history books. Godspeed my children Godspeed im too tired zzzzzzzzzzzz
God damn sheep. Stop evaluating your lives according to Facebook and actually live a fulfilling life that will be echoed on SERPS and god damn history books. Godspeed my children Godspeed im too tired zzzzzzzzzzzz

lol, I use only chat and see pics of friends from time to time. There are a lot of people like me.

Maybe you got a bit too much teens in your friends?
Oh look, it's this again.

Facebook is boring when people stop using it. More data is being shared on Facebook year-on-year every year. Until that starts declining any poll isn't going to change my mind.

I agree. Facebook would be boring if people will start to abandon it..Just like what happened to friendster. Users started switching to facebook that's why it's bye bye for friendster...
that doesn't mean shit. That is from years back. Its core focus has long shifted.

Saying otherwise is a dumb thing to do.

Lol, I didn't make any definitive all-knowing statements about twitter, that would be the person I replied to. Are you saying twitter's core focus is to make a product that "isn't for" a large percent of their users?

Look at the trending topics or try a search for "pizza" or something like that. 25 people in just the past second felt a need to announce on twitter that they are eating pizza.
All you people bitching about Facebook, stfu.
It's revolutionized the way the world interacts and anyone that doesn't use it for fear of privacy issues is a retard.
Ok guys get Your fucking Caligraphy fuckibg pens ready because I'm about to tel you my opinion about Facebook. Wow fuckibg iPhone capitalized Facebook do you know what's up. Ok Facebook is a fuckibg incestrial breeding ground for narcisicism and depression. You're either showing off on how fuckibg god damn cool your life is or you're bitching and complaining until you hit Rock go damn bottom. Then there are those who are stuk in between but each and everyone of them evaluate their lives on ficking likes and comments well most of them. I have already mentioned that statement in other thread about fb. I deleted my fb almost a year ago you know why? Cause I don't give a flyin fuck about what these cunts I grew up with are up to.

If they really mattered I would call them or if I
Mattered to them they would call me or somehow get my contact Info like I get there's. Facebook is cool but it's definitely going to be obsolete in lets say 7-9 years when fuckibg humanity realizes that having 1k friends and 30 likes on a stupid ass status doesn't mean shit. If someone really matters they would e contacted directly like fucking god damn 1968.

God damn sheep. Stop evaluating your lives according to Facebook and actually live a fulfilling life that will be echoed on SERPS and god damn history books. Godspeed my children Godspeed im too tired zzzzzzzzzzzz

This really does sum things up. Everyone's just dehumanizing themselves by living their life on there. It's like a high school popularity contest, only most of the people that use it are adults that are past their thirties.

I don't give a fuck that you bought a shitty latte and are going to write a nasty letter to Starbucks; or how you're "watchin' tv"; and all the other dumb shit people post about. I immediately delete the narcissists off my list -- who needs to know everything about your daily life?
Why? My friends and family are scattered around the world and it's the most convenient way for me to keep in touch with everyone. I'm sure a lot of people are in the same boat as I am.

Hello friend,

Affiliate marketers no have any family or friend. Only have money.

I just joke but serious I think it bad for waste lot time on Facebook. A little time okay but no have spend many hours every day.

Good luck bro
Facebook was awesome in the beginning when girls were flashing their titties, and guys said whatever the hell you wanted. It was a good time.

But now that everyone and your boss is on Facebook it's just no fun anymore.

It's migrated to instagram. You can actually hit on a girl without the whole universe knowing. ;-)

Have fun.
People's contentment and search for excitement in life never ends as long as we are alive. Facebook brought these kinds of excitements and thrills to lives of millions of people worldwide. I hope the administrators could find many recipes to mixed with in order to produce more of the excitements and thrills on facebook as what it looks like in their beginnings.
Facebook was awesome in the beginning when girls were flashing their titties, and guys said whatever the hell you wanted. It was a good time.

But now that everyone and your boss is on Facebook it's just no fun anymore.

It's migrated to instagram. You can actually hit on a girl without the whole universe knowing. ;-)

Have fun.

With all these filters how do you figure out if a girl is pretty on instagram