Ever Wonder Why Americans Are So Fucking Ignorant?

Time magazine needs to keep the masses happy in their deluded belief that the good ol' USA is still the centre of the Universe. It's not, of course! :tongue2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJuNgBkloFE]Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES - YouTube[/ame]
All the while America will have a worthless currency, debt beyond recovery, a starving population, a third world standard of living and will be asking the people it used to treat with contempt, including the sharia ruled Euro fags, for handouts and aid to help it's dying populace.

You're more likely to see the rise of nationalism fomenting civil unrest.

I wouldn't expect to you be aware of this, seeing as you don't live here, but there are a large contingent of bovver boys just waiting for an opportunity to set fire to "immigrant" communities.

It very nearly happened in Enfield, with the thinly named "Enfield Defence League" (=English Defence League, a neo-fascist anti-Islam crew). I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, because it won't be pretty.
Europe or "New Mecca" as it will be called in 20 years had better drop the fucking Time magazine and start growing their beards and learning the Koran. In 20 years the Euros will be buried up to their necks (no pun intended) in raging Islamofacist.

enjoy your sharia

Notice how a thread about Time magazine duping Americans automatically turns into Popeye feeling inadequate about himself, so much so that he has to lash out at Europeans for no reason (classic bully feeling undermined mentality).

I swear to god, people like him WANT Europe to have Sharia law, if for nothing else than to make themselves feel better. Fucking pathetic.
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No doubt the majority of Americans have brain of squirrel but those videos always irked me.
I wonder what percentage of people knew the answers to these questions who obviously weren't shown.

I agree these bits (also incl. The Tonight Show's "Jay Walking" segments) cull answers from the stupidest interviewees...

But how about a state Governor who ran for Republican Presidential candidate? (premise set up in segment before this clip: host claims Canada's parliament bldg is one big ice igloo, the "National Igloo")

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHw0FqD3RFw]Rick Mercer Talking to Americans: Mike Huckabee - YouTube[/ame]

Or asking what then-Presidential candidate George W Bush thought about being endorsement by Canadian Prime Minister Poutine? ('poutine' is gravy & cheese over fries)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KwEDgpSWxo]Governor Bush on Canada - YouTube[/ame]

There were other supposedly (or you would think) educated people equally ignorant in that show, incl. at least one University Prof.
You're more likely to see the rise of nationalism fomenting civil unrest.

I wouldn't expect to you be aware of this, seeing as you don't live here, but there are a large contingent of bovver boys just waiting for an opportunity to set fire to "immigrant" communities.

It very nearly happened in Enfield, with the thinly named "Enfield Defence League" (=English Defence League, a neo-fascist anti-Islam crew). I sincerely hope that doesn't happen, because it won't be pretty.

I'm English. :( I used to live in Winchmore Hill as well, so I know Enfield! :D
All the while America will have a worthless currency, debt beyond recovery, a starving population, a third world standard of living and will be asking the people it used to treat with contempt, including the sharia ruled Euro fags, for handouts and aid to help it's dying populace.

worthless currency - We shall see how this plays out over time

debt beyond recovery - Once again, we shall see. You do know that we also outproduce most right?

starving population - Really? Who is starving in the US that is not on drugs or refusing help?

third world standard of living - do you live here? compared to where exactly?

will be asking the people it used to treat with contempt for handouts - Who is the US treating with contempt?
worthless currency - We shall see how this plays out over time

debt beyond recovery - Once again, we shall see. You do know that we also outproduce most right?

starving population - Really? Who is starving in the US that is not on drugs or refusing help?

third world standard of living - do you live here? compared to where exactly?

will be asking the people it used to treat with contempt for handouts - Who is the US treating with contempt?

I was being facetious about the state of the US in 20 years time - as implied by popeye on the EU. Do you really think I believed all that crap was applicable to America, today?! :)
When I was 16, I went to high school for a year in Texas, and can vouch for that. The average Texan at least doesn't know there's a world outside of Texas, let alone the US.

My history teacher even had all the students convinced the US won the Vietnam war. His reasoning was the US destroyed loads of Vietnam's land, but Vietnam didn't destroy any US land. Scariest part was the students were never taught to think. Just memorize a bunch of names, dates, and places, and you'll get honors, and mom & dad can put the "my daughter is an honors student" bumper sticker on their car.
Ummm, it's pretty ignorant making such a broad generalization about an entire nationality based on one magazine's choice for cover images/stories.
Europe or "New Mecca" as it will be called in 20 years had better drop the fucking Time magazine and start growing their beards and learning the Koran. In 20 years the Euros will be buried up to their necks (no pun intended) in raging Islamofacist.

enjoy your sharia

Well, in defense of the ignorant masses (I know we have been duped beyond all measure, and this Time magazine cover release has probably been a tool to generate more US interest in the magazine) I woul dhave to state that those other covers are from countries that do not have any other real concerns, like anxiety, silent majority, schooling or excess.
It's just that we care more about higher brained shit then throwing rocks at each other.
A second thought in defense is that we just flat out don't give a shit about what is going on in the third world.
We are not going to buy a magazine cover about a developing third world's problems... they are not our problems locally..

So neyaaah.

Well, in defense of the ignorant masses (I know we have been duped beyond all measure, and this Time magazine cover release has probably been a tool to generate more US interest in the magazine) I woul dhave to state that those other covers are from countries that do not have any other real concerns, like anxiety, silent majority, schooling or excess.
It's just that we care more about higher brained shit then throwing rocks at each other.
A second thought in defense is that we just flat out don't give a shit about what is going on in the third world.
We are not going to buy a magazine cover about a developing third world's problems... they are not our problems locally..

So neyaaah.


During a presentation for TED: Ideas worth spreading, the speaker mentioned that Zuckerberg once told him "A squirrel dying in your front lawn can be more relevant than a child dying in Africa."

...and Basically that we surround ourselves with our own news bubble since we "Subscribe" and "Like" to the news that we usually want to hear about.

What most of the people bitching about American ignorance seem to forget is that it's exactly how they make their money EX: Targeted ads