Evangelical Christians discuss rape

So people join this parody forum and use their spare time to make thousands of fictional posts supporting a fake religion? What a bunch of sad bastards.

So people join this parody forum and use their spare time to make thousands of fictional posts supporting a fake religion? What a bunch of sad bastards.


I guess 50% of my posts here are dickrolling newbs. So I guess it's not that far fetched...
So people join this parody forum and use their spare time to make thousands of fictional posts supporting a fake religion? What a bunch of sad bastards.

let's remember that 4chan is one of the most popular sites on the internet right now
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I still can't believe some guys would make 40,000 posts just to keep the joke going.

LOL..Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Who would take the time to post that much to a fictitious site? Oh well, I've been had. Touché :338:

BTW, I almost read the TOS :)
That site,,, wow Lol.. thanks for the laughs. Check out this funny homo-erotic analysis of Super Mario:
NEW SUPER MARIO BROS WII: homosexual recruiting tool! - The Landover Baptist Church Forums

1. I real life, bullet's aren't black, or even visible in flight. In Mario's escapist homo-utopia, they are a big black phallic symbol, referencing interracial gay sex.

2. The turtle reaching for his groin, which is obscured by a gob of white stuff. The face on the "cloud" has its cheeks stuffed with something. You can guess what.

3. Yoshi looks even more effeminate that usual, and has his mouth at groin height.

4. Prancing mushroom-men are explicity homosexual. Just look at the open shirts and limp wrists. There's a pair of them - no mushroom-woman to be seen.

5. Font is specifically designed to have as many soft round buttock shapes as possible. The "M" and "W" have the most obvious resemblence to the supple, soft-yet-firm buttocks of a somewhat chubby young "twink", but even the "B" and "R" bring jiggling bumcheeks to mind.

6. Every seen grass that looks like the grass in Mario's world? Or dirt that looks like that? No - just another excuses for more buttock-shpes.

7. Turtle is prancing. Nobody just walks in Mario's escapist homo-utopia.
So people join this parody forum and use their spare time to make thousands of fictional posts supporting a fake religion? What a bunch of sad bastards.
I disagree. It's a very effective send-up, and so close to truth it fooled some of you skeptical affiliate marketers.

They may be a bunch of Agnostics raised in the Bible Belt, working out their Suthn' Baptist hostilities at the site. And having fun driving their families crazy trying to save them again.

You can't save me, nyah-nyah!
I'm becoming disappointed with WF's sense of humor lately.

How could you read the first two quoted posts and not notice the satire?

Then after being shown proof it was all a parody several people couldn't grasp it.

Is this WF or The WF?
Note: Mouse Over Below for Spoiler Alert:
The Landover Baptist Church is a complete work of fiction. It is a satire/parody.
End Spoiler Alert
Funny shit.

Edit: oops. already been pointed out.
I wonder if they would pull out the ban hammer if somebody went over to that forum and started dick rolling people..
Landover Baptist is one of the better troll sites online; another good one (which is down now) was "JewsDidWTC.com", run by the same guys that made Lastmeasure. It got featured on CNN even, even though it had Goatse all over the page, and you could see the organization's full name "gnaa". so CNN got tricked into thinking it was real on Paula Zahn's show

edit: http://web.archive.org/web/20060718065841/http://jewsdidwtc.com/ (nsfw)

completely fake page, but notice the copyright at the bottom - got prominently featured on CNN
well I can see that none of you read the thread at all, because I already posted saying this is 100% fake, and gave proof.

man you guys are gullible - can I interest you in an acai weight loss pill and colon cleanse? guaranteed to lose 40lbs in 3 days

It's funny to watch ignorant wana be athiest want to hate SOOOO Much that they let themselves be trolled like newbs...LOL.