Evangelical Christians discuss rape


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Man, are these guys kidding or what? Frickin' Nutters!


I recently received a letter from a concerned parent. In the letter she told me that her daughter had been raped, but was refusing to marry her rapist. The stupid girl actually wants to press charges on the man!

Not only that, but that she also plans to kill the poor unborn baby her rapist had given her! Sickening! Have young people today got NO morals?

Any and all advice on what I can say to convince this girl to do the right thing would be great. Should I start with the basics ?

"Whore, you'll burn in Hell for all eternity - unless you marry your rapist"??

Or should I go for a more subtle approach??


Check out this guy:

You make it sound like this girl is a 'rape-victim'.
Let's be clear here, the ONLY victim of rape is the man. He is the one who let this little temptress tease him into committing sin, and he is the one the courts victimize and throw into prison, when this girl was probably dressed as a whore and just asking to be raped. If girls didn't dress like prostitutes and sluts, poor men like this wouldnt fall into their trap. It's up to the girl to do the right thing, she obviously led this man on, and she should have to deal with the consequences. You play, you pay!

Many brain washed wierdos in this world.
TWILIGHT: sending sexting tweens on mass-sucking frenzy! - The Landover Baptist Church Forums

This guy can not be real...

I've been reading alot, and I mean alot about this "sexting". Young nubile teenage girls will take naughty pictures of themselves showing off their ladybits. Have you heard of anything more disgusting?

Combine this with the raw sexuality of the Twilight movies and you have a recipe for disaster. Sixteen year old girls will put plastic Halloween fangs in their mouth and take pictures of themselves providing oral stimulation on their boyfriends! Shirtless teenage boys will videotaping themselves biting the necks of virgins and drinking their blood. Young girls will lie on beds and take pictures of themselves inserting crucifixes into both their orifices down there.

The possibilities are sickening. As concerned parents, we need to restrict our children's mobile phone access. We need to read their text messages and emails.If your teenage daughter has been sending out racy photos/text messages/emails, and you are unsure of what to do....forward them to me immediately. revjimosborne@gmail.com As a caring pastor, I can help you through this.

Remember: Teenagers only want privacy when they have something to hide.
This was a pretty disturbing article. What a bunch of fucking idiots.


:music06: <<<< Evangelical Worship Band
I'm wondering the same thing. But there are literally 10-50 members with 2,000+ posts. And they all have sigs going to their blogs...

That'd be a lot of on going work for a joke.

I found this one funny too:

NEW SUPER MARIO BROS WII: homosexual recruiting tool! - The Landover Baptist Church Forums

I'm convinced[that super mario is evil]. Any Christian parent should be boycotting these games for their children. The kids are going to be begging for this for Christmas, but you have to be adamant and explain to them why these Super Mario games are so harmful [and that they'll make you gay].
well I can see that none of you read the thread at all, because I already posted saying this is 100% fake, and gave proof.

man you guys are gullible - can I interest you in an acai weight loss pill and colon cleanse? guaranteed to lose 40lbs in 3 days
Jesus fucking christ, this can't be real. If it is then I've lost hope in humanity.

This was a pretty disturbing article. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

:music06: <<<< Evangelical Worship Band

Caring pastor my ass. This fucker sounds like he would take the pictures and beat one down. This forum can't be real...I almost want to signup to their pathetic fucking forum and start lambasting these fuckers.

Looking at the comments, i think it's real.

really? really?

"The Landover Baptist Church is a fictional[1] Baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist web site and its associated Landoverbaptist.net Forum are a parody of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the United States.

The site was created by Chris Harper,[2] who obtained his Master's Degree in English Literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a satirical radio show which Liberty's administration found offensive." wikipedia

how about their own terms of service page:

http://www.landoverbaptist.org/tos.html said:
Note: Mouse Over Below for Spoiler Alert:

The Landover Baptist Church is a complete work of fiction. It is a satire/parody.

End Spoiler Alert

it's a wonder some of you don't fall for your own landing pages
lol...So all of these threads are fake? Some of them seem kinda real. If this is completely fake, I feel like a douche.

why would you ever think a "christian" site/forum that has this in their terms, is real:

"Anyone who certifies that they are at least eighteen years of age on the day of registration and has read and agrees to the Terms of Service. Your completed registration constitutes your affirmation that you qualify for membership as stated above. Sorry, minors under eighteen and unsaved, unwelcome. SHOO DEMON!"

the posts are people who are in on the joke. it's old. it's one huge joke.