EPC on ADS4- Where is it?

I think EPCs (in sales) are also brought down by direct linkers. For some offers they do work, but direct linking directly to an offer also skews ratings as opposed to those who build nice converting landers.

I'll take a look at CJ's system of how they do things and I definately like Gravity thing. I'm not sure of the formula but it would be really interesting to look into.

I really like that gravity thing on clickbank though I actually use it when I'm looking for new verticals sometimes. So maybe we'll look at doing a combo of something like a gravity score and a volume score.

Thanks for all the input :)

Every product listed in the ClickBank Marketplace is associated with a sales commission rate. Commission percentages range from 1% to 75%. On any one sale the minimum commission is $0.25 and the maximum is $100.00.
In the Marketplace products are ranked by their "productivity score". To preserve the integrity of the system we do not publish the formula for the score, or the score itself, but we can say that it is a function of these factors:

  1. $Earned/Sale: Average net amount earned per affiliate per referred sale. Note that this is the net earned per actual sale, and so it is impacted by refunds, chargebacks, and sales taxes. Unfunded sales, such as returned checks, do not impact this number.
  2. Future $: Average total rebill revenue earned by the affiliate due to sales from a site. Generally this equates to the average sum of all rebills.
  3. Total $: The sum of all initial sales and rebills divided by the number of initial sales. It is the average total $ per sale, including all rebills that may come from that sale.
  4. %Earned/Sale: Average percentage commission earned per affiliate per referred sale. This number should only vary if the vendor has changed their payout percentage over time.
  5. %Referred: Fraction of vendor's total sales that are referred by affiliates.
  6. Gravity: Number of distinct affiliates who earned a commission by referring a paying customer to the vendor's products. This is a weighted sum and not an actual total. For each affiliate paid in the last 8 weeks we add an amount between 0.1 and 1.0 to the total. The more recent the last referral, the higher the value added.
All factors are combined, and adjusted such that more recent sales activity is given greater weight.
Taken from: How The ClickBank Marketplace Works - ClickBank
smax has a good idea, but caps would be nice too..ive been ruined with wasted clicks to offers that were capped then redirected to shit offers...how do pubs know when this is coming....