Eli is working for the White House!

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the site has been undergoing a huge ddos attack since about 11pm last night. So i forwarded it to whitehouse.gov. I figure if they want to attack anyone they might as well attack a government website. I may be no good at hunting them down but the NSA shouldn't have too much trouble :)
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redirect it to the CIA site. Those fuckers can be scary. I'd sure think twice.
the site has been undergoing a huge ddos attack since about 11pm last night. So i forwarded it to whitehouse.gov. I figure if they want to attack anyone they might as well attack a government website. I may be no good at hunting them down but the NSA shouldn't have too much trouble

OMG thats fucking brilliant! But wait...won't the feds think you're involved somehow?
the site has been undergoing a huge ddos attack since about 11pm last night. So i forwarded it to whitehouse.gov. I figure if they want to attack anyone they might as well attack a government website. I may be no good at hunting them down but the NSA shouldn't have too much trouble :)
I don't know much about ddos attacks, but will that actually affect the whitehouse.gov site? I mean, they are attacking your site, so surely if you redirect your site to whitehouse.gov, the ddos attack wont also be redirected to that site?
I'm sure if Eli updated the DNS that would put him in as much trouble as the guy responsible for the ddos attack.

I didn't have to. I just did a domain forward. I first tested it by forwarding it to another site to see if the attack would follow. It did so now I have it forwarded to the whitehouse.gov.

My Email to the FBI
My website www.bluehatseo.com is being maliciously attacked by a hacker or organization of hackers using a large botnet (most likely virus based) to administer a Denial of Service Attack on my server. Attached is my server logfile for the day. If you need any realtime evidence I forwarded the domain to Welcome to the White House. Enclosed is the list of the top 15 perpetrating IPS and their Internet service providers along with the personal contact information of each provided by the Internet providers' abuse departments.
Whether or not I get in trouble remains to be seen :)
If I do get in trouble I'm really not that worried about it. I don't know all the legalities behind but forwarding a legitimate domain even though its being attacked doesn't seem reasonable cause for allegations to an offense. Either way the choices seem all but fair. I can pay more money and upgrade the bluehat server which only hosts the one site and is all in all pretty worthless. I can move it to another more powerful server which would give the ddos attacker a run for his/her money. Or pay more money to make the site more ddos secure. Or i can just redirect the attack, relax a day or two and when their door gets busted in by the feds I can get my site back.
Well, I originally suggested to Eli to change the DNS to point to the IP address of the server where whitehouse.gov was hosted. That way, there's no referrer and it's pretty transparent.
Elli is working for the White House!
Didn't know his name was Elli


Ddos attacks suck though. I've had it happen to an entire server once. A few hundred customers were not too happy, and of course most of them have no idea what a ddos attack is so they blamed my hosting company for having shitty uptime/service, lol...
While in Prison say hi to Tobias Funke, the worlds foremost Analrapist. And if you see popop tell him I loved his videos, they changed my life.
the site has been undergoing a huge ddos attack since about 11pm last night. So i forwarded it to whitehouse.gov. I figure if they want to attack anyone they might as well attack a government website. I may be no good at hunting them down but the NSA shouldn't have too much trouble :)

Genius, sheer genius:bowdown:
Nice idea on the redirect and the email.

also nice selection of title for the thread.
WTF is a domain forward?

I'm pretty sure that isn't a type of dns record, unless you're referring to an A or CNAME record.
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