Easy Google Conversion Rate Going Down Slowly?

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From a network point of view (if it matters) we are still running a strong network wide epc at nearly $3.00 on easy google profits. This is with all publishers combined, experienced and not so experienced and exit pops that record clicks and not impressions (meaning) a lot of garbage clicks. I have two of my guys in Cali with them just hanging out as we speak until tomorrow night and I was on the phone 3 times yesterday with them to relay the information I saw here. The response I got was that everything was running fine on their end. However, I was also told that some of the publishers (and/or networks) quality was low and that's the reason for a lowering of payout. That's just a relay from them to us. We have had zero issues other than the server outage the offer suffered this past week when we issued credits.

We've had a couple of publisers talk about their conversion rates and I was able to speak face to face with pubs at Adtech running this offer with us. Check your dayparting, check your traffic sources and ALWAYS split test your offers in as many places as you can.
From a network point of view (if it matters) we are still running a strong network wide epc at nearly $3.00 on easy google profits. This is with all publishers combined, experienced and not so experienced and exit pops that record clicks and not impressions (meaning) a lot of garbage clicks. I have two of my guys in Cali with them just hanging out as we speak until tomorrow night and I was on the phone 3 times yesterday with them to relay the information I saw here. The response I got was that everything was running fine on their end. However, I was also told that some of the publishers (and/or networks) quality was low and that's the reason for a lowering of payout. That's just a relay from them to us. We have had zero issues other than the server outage the offer suffered this past week when we issued credits.

We've had a couple of publisers talk about their conversion rates and I was able to speak face to face with pubs at Adtech running this offer with us. Check your dayparting, check your traffic sources and ALWAYS split test your offers in as many places as you can.

Hmm... don't get what you mean in bold?

Why do we have to check our dayparting and traffic sources?
From a network point of view (if it matters) we are still running a strong network wide epc at nearly $3.00 on easy google profits. This is with all publishers combined, experienced and not so experienced and exit pops that record clicks and not impressions (meaning) a lot of garbage clicks. I have two of my guys in Cali with them just hanging out as we speak until tomorrow night and I was on the phone 3 times yesterday with them to relay the information I saw here. The response I got was that everything was running fine on their end. However, I was also told that some of the publishers (and/or networks) quality was low and that's the reason for a lowering of payout. That's just a relay from them to us. We have had zero issues other than the server outage the offer suffered this past week when we issued credits.

We've had a couple of publisers talk about their conversion rates and I was able to speak face to face with pubs at Adtech running this offer with us. Check your dayparting, check your traffic sources and ALWAYS split test your offers in as many places as you can.
I understand what you're saying Ruck but between the 8th and 20th of this month, my conversions were between 13% - 18% and on Tuesday of this week it suddenly took a dive to 8% and then 5% Wednesday and so low Thursday that I actually had to quit running it. My landing page gets the same CTR as always and my traffic source has not changed. I don't understand why conversions would run so consistent for 12 days and then completely tank overnight. It just doesn't make since.

I sent you an email and tried to get in touch with you on aim regarding this.
Hmm... don't get what you mean in bold?

Why do we have to check our dayparting and traffic sources?
Not monitoring the time of day your conversions are at best/worst or checking for consistency can throw you off a bit. However, if this is a consistent thing overall (which it seems to be from what everyone has said) then there could also be a batch of bad traffic. I dont know how many sources you use but I just had a pub tank hardcore because they went with a banner display network.

I'm not defending that what everyone is thinking could possibly be happening. However on our network, this offer just keeps getting pubs and picking up more steam. I along with my network have spent a considerable amount of time, energy, resources and me personally, countless nights helping optimize my publishers pages for this offer. So for this to happen is a real kick in the balls to me as well. I think I caught in here that this advertiser has a new mechant? This should not effect conversions unless there was a change in which tracking was down, in which case I would know about it immediately.

The bizopp market is volatile. It's unstable. You can have the best days followed by the shittiest. It's very apparent as when the google offers first started coming out and going heavy this year that everyone, including us were running new offers or designing new offers to run on a consistent weekly basis. This was based on a lot of testing of new designs. But with new offers came a lot of talk that previous offers tanked in conversions and this conversation seems to be the basis of the same type of talk going on.

I dont know, I do know what I can see and so far we have had one outage responsible for issued credits. I have two guys chillin in Cali with this advertiser as we speak and since my last post above, I have relayed yet another conversation. At the moment, all I know for sure is that the payout lowered on some networks because of quality but not ours yet we have some publishers experiencing the same thing.

@Webwonder - I dont understand either but I am still communicating with the advertiser multiple times daily. I know that doesnt help much but it's all I can do at this point. I will check my email and get with you personally on your campaign though.

I know other networks are running this so any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated as well. I would be the first one to pop in here and say if I knew something was going on cuz when our pubs lose money, so do we.
Hate to break your hearts guys , but i ended yesterday with one of my strongest conversion rates, and today has been just about as good.

which network you running it with? or split-testing with multiple? If quality is as big of an issue as Ruck was saying the advertiser could possibly be paying closer attention to a handful of networks and being more picky about their leads.
how does google treat offers like this one? is it acai account ban policy? or just slapping till you give up as always?
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