Easy Google Conversion Rate Going Down Slowly?

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New member
Jan 28, 2009
Canton, Ohio
I've been running Easy Google for about a week now, which I know isn't a huge amount of time thats why I came here to talk to some of you guys. My conversion rate for the first 4 days was a solid 14% at around $6000 revenue per day.

Well the last few days I have noticed a steep decline in conversion rates, the one day it dipped as low as 8%. I talked to a bunch of networks about their network conversion, and they said it was normally 13% and its now around 10% for the last few days.

So has anyone else noticed this? Whats going on? Do we think that the offer is scrubbing or that it's just another day and conversion rates change? It just seems very odd to me that an offer would drop overall that much for several days.

Any thoughts?

Yeah I would say a week simply isn't enough time for many types of offers even if you are doing decent volume like you are. Some offers just seem to convert very different during certain times of the week and month. I've been running an offer now for 2 weeks and both Tuesdays had nearly 50% higher conversation rates than both Saturdays.

Hopefully you are still profitable at 8% and can afford to just keep this going to collect more data.

Are you noticing any conversation trends based on time of day yet?
Easy Google went to shit on Tues/Wed and has never recovered. Something is def wrong... lame.
Well I thought I had noticed some. I was thinking that the morning was pretty good but then that stopped for the last 2 days. It seems like the last 2 days were just completely different from any of the other 4. It's still been profitable each day overall so its definitely still running.

I've been split testing between a few networks and the conversion rate seems low on most of the networks. Does anyone else have any comment on what they are converting at personally?

Edit: Just saw AffAholic's post..it definitely has been bad, anyone else have that experience? I'm still profitable but it's definitely not nearly as profitable as it was before.
How the heck do you guys pull in such insane figures from the offer?

Would you say build a bigger keyword list?

How large is your keyword list?
Ya, I saw conversions go from 15% to around 8% on Tuesday and I have a large set of data to compare the numbers too. Rumors floated at ad:Tech said the company owed some networks some money so I'm guessing the rebills aren't where they want and thus they are doing something on their end to recoop.

The thing about this breed of rebill offers is that users are getting such a shitty product (400 page, all text ebooks) that I can't imagine they are actually taking the time to try it out especially after hearing how easy it is. With diet, rebill worked cause users were shipped an actual product (6-7 days for delivery) and then could easily take it for a few days to get them past the rebill. With this bizop stuff and the instant access, most will realize right away that its garbage and doing any further research reveals the rebill/scam. This of course is all speculation, but its pretty obvious that the companies arent making a ton of money (doesn't GMS owe out $8 mil or so)?
Mine is ok, the conversion rate went down maybe 1-2% this week, but nothing major.

My impressions, on the other hand, have tanked :(
Where are you guys running that your impressions tanked? My impressions are fine, clicks are fine, CTR on the lander has increased actually, but conversions and therefore revenue and profit are all down
Somethins definitely up, one network mentioned they owe 3/4 mil to them and so the offer was pulled (until the advertiser squares up).
Yes siiirrr, conversions have gone to shit. It always amazes me how advertisers who pull this kind of shit do it so abruptly. You would think that they would realize they were getting into a financial bind and slowly start shaving the leads (aka. stealing) instead of flipping the switch.
One of the networks that was direct with them received an email from them today. Obviously something is up..heres the body of the email.

I was just informed that we have received a pay decrease for Easy
Google. Effective tomorrow evening, April 25th at 6:00pm PST, all
payouts for this offer will be decreased to $38.

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