Don't Buy A Mac? Wow.

Well i dont know really about mac. But i have heard people saying that mac is far better than windows.
I know the parts are expensive but damn macs are pretty good. I use both a PC and a Mac and one day I can see myself going full Mac. Its growing on me bigtime
I have heard that if any of the part gets bad some times you need to replace the whole laptop. That may be one of the reason some of them hate to buy it.

I know the parts are expensive but damn macs are pretty good. I use both a PC and a Mac and one day I can see myself going full Mac. Its growing on me bigtime
People complaining that Mac parts cost too much would be analogous to people complaining that a Mercedes costs more than a Honda Civic.
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I use Mac's near enough exclusively and they work out of the box without me needing to fiddle. I don't have the energy or desire to tweak the OS and install/uninstall shit constantly anymore. It's just tooooooooooo fucking tiresome.
You can install OSX on a PC.

Let me say it again, you DO NOT need a $3000 mac to run OSX, with a little bit of effort you can save yourself a couple thousand dollars.

OSX86 Snow Leopard
no adware, no spyware, no trojans, no keyloggers, no viruses... whats that worth, fuckwit?
Mac Ram is better then regular Ram from Newegg?

Of course it is, Steve Jobs sez it is and prices it accordingly. It's made exclusively by a secret society of castrati improted from Bari into Taiwan. They sing as they make the ram and massage it with the milk of a 92 stone eunuch bred especially for his Random Access Milk. :)
People complaining that Mac parts cost too much would be analogous to people complaining that a Mercedes costs more than a Honda Civic.

QFT. Way better design, massively better OS, no fiddling or fucking around with stuff.

Yes, it's 50%+ more than an equivalent home built PC...

Did you know the annual service costs on a Ferrari generally average out over $2000? (though when they switched to chain drive cams in the 430 it got a little cheaper).
Lol at the comparisons you guys are drawing. Bottom line, you spend 3k on a Mac and I'll spend 3k on a PC and we'll see who has the superior machine. Do you have any idea what you can build for 3k?
Well i dont know really about mac. But i have heard people saying that mac is far better than windows.

placebo effect.

install a decent spyware/adware/firewall thing, let it scan once a week while you are sleeping, and you'll have no problem with viruses or malware.

best of all, all this software is free.
what is this fucking 4chan? Some people like them better. The product is priced at what people are willing to pay for them.

This. Those that complain about macs have not used macs for real work.

The damn price pays itself after you notice how much time is saved by not having to give the mac crazy-mofo maintenance (a la pc).

Edit: actually it's not even the software or components of the mac that save me so much time, it's the damn fricking awesome gesture pad. I simply cannot see myself designing without mouse pad gestures.
broke retards complaining about price and comparing a SERVER GRADE WORKSTATION to a bright glowing green gaming computer.

Go price out a HP/Dell WORKSTATION with WORKSTATION grade components and you'll find there's about a 10% price premium on the mac. Oh Noes!111 10%!??!?!

Slang some more berries kiddos