DogFartJunior Date Rape Links - Cuz Google Asked For It Wearing That Dress

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Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Rating - 100%
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Do I have your attention?

Good, because this is important.

It's recently come to my attention that the majority of you think Layered Links is long gone and dead. While SEO agencies world wide have grown to love Layered Links for it's manual "white hat" tier one linkbuilding, consistently positive results and not one incident (in over 1400 projects) of any negative attention from the big G, it appears that the general WickedFire populace has forgotten about us in their constant chasing of shiny objects.

That has been a mistake on your part.

While lots of BST services have catchier (or maybe not) names and are packed full of shiny sales graphics and big claims, Layered Links is the only company actively selling links on WF that ranks for high competition SEO and linkbuilding terms, <snipped out some snarky shit comparing LL to the competition, which in itself is a misnomer...Layered Links has an unparelleled track record)

In short, lettuce be cereal...

If you're not using Layered Links as the base of your link building, you're doing it wrong.



January 1st I decided to test Layered Links for some high competition SEO and linkbuilding terms. Who better to test against than other people trying to sling links, no? The results were a rousing success, with many top 5 rankings totalling over 50,000 exact searches per month and top 10 for another 100,000 worth of searches. Here's one search in the 15k/month range.


Excellent Back End Tracking System & Professional Customer Service

You'll never have to wonder what the status of your project is...just log in and look. And if you see something you don't like or have a question about, it's one easy click to contact Grind (Sales) or Micha (Production). We strive daily for S.U.C.S (Super Ultimate Customer Service), not suckage. Disclaimer: Don't hit me up asking me for on site optimization or general SEO advice, my role as support with Layered Links is strictly sales questions. If you need SEO Consulting, you know where to get it.


^ Redacted some info to make life harder on the copycats, buyers will have full access to what's going on with their projects. ^

Constant Innovation

I've designed every Layered Links package since November of 2010. And like that horrible Hair Club For Men commercial from the 90's, I'm not just the President (ok, Chief R&D Faggot) but a client as well. I designed Layered Links to be used in MY SEO endeavors, and then, through economy of scale, figured out how to offer it to other discerning SEOs at a profit. As the big G has changed shit, I've changed shit (what, was I gonna quit and start flipping burgers?) so my sites kept ranking and I kept banking. And since I find it easier to order my own projects through the Layered Links admin panel than line out my VA's by hand, you'll always get the current incarnation of what I'm doing to frontpage my SERPs.


If Layered Links works so well, how come you sell instead of keeping it to yourself and just ranking more sites?

Economy of scale. We've streamlined the system for maximum productivity, allowing us to provide a top notch service at an affordable price and maintain a profit margin. Subsequently, I like to take my shares of the profits and buy other links that have synergistic (result is greater than the sum of it's parts) properties with the Layered Links packages. I typically focus on links that provide the greatest SERP increase when combined with Layered Links as well as links that I can't easily and affordably recreate in house. Basically, the more Layered Links packages we sell, the more of my own sites I do rank.

What links do you like to combine with Layered Links?

Sign up for a free account here, there's a checklist in the News section detailing what we like to use in conjunction with Layered Links, depending on goals. I'll also be writing a Members Only (no, we won't have cool jackets) newsletter that will be posted inside your account that will cover basic and advanced SEO tactics/systems/tools/etc. So go sign up already...

How come if the packages always change with Google updates they don't look different to me?

Great question. Wickefire is rife with copycats. It's also a popular honeypot for the web spam team of a certain large search engine. I've found that it's best not to advertise exactly what we're doing, and why. Again, I order these packages on all my own important sites, every month. I want them to work as well as possible and I'm constantly testing (currently SEOing 118 sites...) new elements and configurations. I won't announce any changes short of new packages (yes, there's something in the works, there always is, it's what I do).

What happened to dchuk, didn't he used to be involved with Layered Links?

Yes, Darrin coded the Layered Links backend system and designed the very first Layered Links packages. When I came on board in October of 2010, I completely redesigned the link packages to closely mirror what I was doing to rank high volume competitive terms and never looked back. Darrin's involvement with Layered Links has grown substantially less over the years as his focus changed (serpIQ, it's awesome, use it) and recently found himself with zero time to be involved. We worked out an agreement that bought him out and brought on a new partner, Mont7071.

Mont, besides being particularly handsome and possessing excellent bedside manner, is one of the smartest marketers and business minds I've had the pleasure of working with and we look forward to leveraging his 15+ years of online marketing experience to take Layered Links to the next level.

Grind, why are you launching this thread instead of Micha?

Basically, Layered Links has grown to a point where it's more than one person can handle front end sales/support and run point on back end production at a level of quality we feel comfortable with. Considering Micha sounds like the Swedish Chef from the muppets (and sleeps while the continental US is doing business), we needed somebody to step into a role that allowed Layered Links to grow into a full fledged SEO link building provider for large agencies. That somebody is me. The current division of labor is I'll handle sales avenues and pre-sales support questions, Micha will handle all production related support questions while maintaining our exacting level of quality standards and making sure all your projects get done on schedule. Mont and I will be teaming up on business development, marketing strategies, reviewing strawberry body wash and glitter removal techniques and improving the back end infrastructure.

So what now?

Quit reading this thread, click that big "Buy Now" button down there, register for an account (if you haven't already) and wrap your grubby little hands around the best link building package you can buy!

Big Buy Now Button...Click Me

Haha I have to laugh at this, I logged into layered links for the first time since '11 when I ordered and almost all of the properties created are not only still there buy not doing too badly in SEOMoz even after 2 years. I would take the time to throw them in SB and liven them up but I was a complete noob back then (only less so now) and I picked some retarded ass keywords. But I do have to report that these links will live on, and truthfully would be pretty awesome by now if I had any idea what I was doing back then.
I'm Mont, and I approve this message.

Kids, stay away from drugs
Ghey webmasters, proceed to take over SERPs
Mr. Cutts, move along now, nothing to see here
Haha I have to laugh at this, I logged into layered links for the first time since '11 when I ordered and almost all of the properties created are not only still there buy not doing too badly in SEOMoz even after 2 years. I would take the time to throw them in SB and liven them up but I was a complete noob back then (only less so now) and I picked some retarded ass keywords. But I do have to report that these links will live on, and truthfully would be pretty awesome by now if I had any idea what I was doing back then.

Same here. Just looked at a report from last year and damn near all the properties are still holding strong.

Grind & co do not fuck around.
Sign up for a free account here, there's a checklist in the News section detailing what we like to use in conjunction with Layered Links, depending on goals << Sorry, I have signed up the account but can not find the checklist there.. any advise? Thanks!
epic sales letter indeed. gotta love it but I wonder how safe these links are?
Must have totally WH / safe links for my clients.
Sign up for a free account here, there's a checklist in the News section detailing what we like to use in conjunction with Layered Links, depending on goals << Sorry, I have signed up the account but can not find the checklist there.. any advise? Thanks!

It's there now but the formatting in the News section is a disaster, I'd wait until tomorrow to read it, or pull the dropbox link out of that wall of text and you can read the text file I uploaded. Sorry, will be fixed shortly.

epic sales letter indeed. gotta love it but I wonder how safe these links are?
Must have totally WH / safe links for my clients.

Not totally WH. Without getting into semantics, the first tier of links would be considered WH and then we get a bit grey on the edges pointing into tier 1. If you're looking for totally safe client links, head over to a Kaedus/Tangy/Joe_Hughes thread and get yourself some press releases/guest blogging stuff. Thanks for stopping by.

2/2 Done for the day, thanks for all the nice comments, see you guys for the 6am bump.

Oh and ummmm, much love to da Hobbster for being a real SEO guy and riffing thread titles with me, he gets the credit for this one. It was less offensive than the ones I came up with.
1/2 Morning bump.

All PM's (Layered Links related anyway) responded to, all messages in the admin panel responded. Thanks for all the orders, ready for more!
I hate grindstone.

I hate Mont even more.

Micha, well just fuck him.

^^ these are all things you wont be saying if you buy this service. Im not saying that because I get a sweet 60% off every order I put it, I say it because I used it for my rep. management client and owned the SERPs with the the large package. Im now making it rain up in herrr off this.
Yes.....I'm in! How could you not be with the title "DogFartJunior Date Rape Links - Cuz Google Asked For It Wearing That Dress"?????
Oh and ummmm, much love to da Hobbster for being a real SEO guy and riffing thread titles with me, he gets the credit for this one. It was less offensive than the ones I came up with.

I think some of the other suggestions would have had the FBI knocking at your door.

+1 vote for LL anyway, lots of stuff that'd be a pain in the ass if you were to try and outsource/manage it yourself, and it's stuff that works. As Grind says, all about economies of scale. You'd probably end up paying the same to get it done yourself, waste a shit ton more time and generally speaking end up worse off unless you've got demand for a load of packages each week.

Used LL for a fair bit of stuff, and yet to disappoint. Even had an order in a challenging niche which meant they had some problems with one of the link types, and got some bonus links of different types to make up for it, where other service providers wouldn't have bothered.
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