Do you like it when indian service providers call you SIR ??

I left my job as software engineer 4 years ago to work online for 2 reasons:

1) i have a big problem with authority and i want to be FREE
2) i don't want to have to hear the fucking words: SIR, BOSS and WE.

and here i am again, tortured by those words everyday by Indian freelancers, i can't stand sentences like "We will be very happy to serve you SIR" i feel that it's a form of degradation, and about the "WE", half of the time it's one person posing as a company, and it's so easy to spot, why the hell some people try so hard to fake a company status online when they are doing social bookmarks for $3 per package. why not just be upfront about who you are ? and i don't want to hear the WE OR SIR anyway, so could you please just skip that boring part so we can do business ??

Maybe i just hate it because it reminds me of what i hate the most in this life : A 8-5 day job.

is anybody here like me ? what do you think guys ?
Sir, you are a fucking moron. I'm sure WE all think so.

Sir, you are a fucking moron. I'm sure WE all think so.

Webwonder's last 4 Posts in Wickedfire:

You're a fucking idiot. GTFO
Hey buddy, go fuck yourself.
She needs a hot curling iron stuck in her pussy and then shot and pissed on. Stupid bitch.
Sir, you are a fucking moron. I'm sure WE all think so.
i know that your life sucks, and you feel the need to express your frustration on society, i don't blame you, but you need to urgently take some Anger Management Courses, before you shoot someone or commit suicide.
Webwonder's last 4 Posts in Wickedfire:

i know that your life sucks, and you feel the need to express your frustration on society, i don't blame you, but you need to urgently take some Anger Management Courses, before you shoot someone or commit suicide.
Damn, you got me. :banana_sml:
Stop this crap. Have a girlfriend looking over your shoulder when you are chatting with outsource worker and when they address you with sir or boss, they will get all wet.
I left my job as software engineer 4 years ago to work online for 2 reasons:

1) i have a big problem with authority and i want to be FREE
2) i don't want to have to hear the fucking words: SIR, BOSS and WE.

and here i am again, tortured by those words everyday by Indian freelancers, i can't stand sentences like "We will be very happy to serve you SIR" i feel that it's a form of degradation, and about the "WE", half of the time it's one person posing as a company, and it's so easy to spot, why the hell some people try so hard to fake a company status online when they are doing social bookmarks for $3 per package. why not just be upfront about who you are ? and i don't want to hear the WE OR SIR anyway, so could you please just skip that boring part so we can do business ??

Maybe i just hate it because it reminds me of what i hate the most in this life : A 8-5 day job.

is anybody here like me ? what do you think guys ?

I completely agree with you businessman26, Indians made a mistake by calling YOU sir. Guys like you are just not worth paying any respect at all. But I know what the truth is -French or Americans, they are all ashamed and afraid that Indians are gonna overtake them pretty soon in almost every field. The only thing that remains for losers like u is to scam the shit out of your fellow citizens. Your first lady does a nude photo shoot(read Carla Bruni), your former presidents are known for illicit relationships (read Bill Clinton)- but u don't call anyone 'Sir' b'coz you guys don't believe in sweet talking. How appropriate is that!
I completely agree with you businessman26, Indians made a mistake by calling YOU sir. Guys like you are just not worth paying any respect at all. But I know what the truth is -French or Americans, they are all ashamed and afraid that Indians are gonna overtake them pretty soon in almost every field. The only thing that remains for losers like u is to scam the shit out of your fellow citizens. Your first lady does a nude photo shoot(read Carla Bruni), your former presidents are known for illicit relationships (read Bill Clinton)- but u don't call anyone 'Sir' b'coz you guys don't believe in sweet talking. How appropriate is that!
I don't even know where to start. You are a retard and get back to Yanking. Seriously.
I completely agree with you businessman26, Indians made a mistake by calling YOU sir. Guys like you are just not worth paying any respect at all. But I know what the truth is -French or Americans, they are all ashamed and afraid that Indians are gonna overtake them pretty soon in almost every field. The only thing that remains for losers like u is to scam the shit out of your fellow citizens. Your first lady does a nude photo shoot(read Carla Bruni), your former presidents are known for illicit relationships (read Bill Clinton)- but u don't call anyone 'Sir' b'coz you guys don't believe in sweet talking. How appropriate is that!

I don't even know where to start. You are a retard and get back to Yanking. Seriously.

Fuck U Lord B, go to hell with your fucking, bullshit forum with nothing worthwhile to offer. I will never again waste my time at Wickedfire shit.
Thank you for permitting me to ban you! No seriously, we don't even want broke-ass retards like you here. Go back to digitalpoint.


beazt said:
You ASSHOLE, i piss on your stupid forum. go ahead and delete my profile or ban me, i am not gonna waste my time here anymore.

Fuck U Lord B, go to hell with your fucking, bullshit forum with nothing worthwhile to offer. I will never again waste my time at Wickedfire shit.

Lol and this is coming from someone who was just promoting "Sweet Talk" and "Respect" in his previous post. what we have just witnessed is something really unique, the fastest "Angel" to "Devil" metamorphosis in history!
Lol and this is coming from someone who was just promoting "Sweet Talk" and "Respect" in his previous post. what we have just witnessed is something really unique, the fastest "Angel" to "Devil" metamorphosis in history!

And we're all the wiser for it :)
Ok guys I am from India.. and I HATE it too. I was an asst manager with IBM and everyone in my team used to call me 'Ma'am' and I was WTF guys, I have a NAME.... I always encouraged people to call me by name, but some ppl just felt 'too uncomfortable' doing that even though they were older to me (in age) - seems pretty weird ! I quit ! :)
Doesn't make a difference as long as they get the job done. It's also a good way to identify someone from the Indian subcontinent online. Besides, what do you want them to call you? "Dude"? FYFI the world isn't full of hippie artsy dropouts and social outcasts, some of us do wear suits and smoke cigars. And what about cops? I guess they address you as "les punk" than monsieur.
Doesn't make a difference as long as they get the job done. It's also a good way to identify someone from the Indian subcontinent online. Besides, what do you want them to call you? "Dude"? FYFI the world isn't full of hippie artsy dropouts and social outcasts, some of us do wear suits and smoke cigars. And what about cops? I guess they address you as "les punk" than monsieur.

Uncle Tony, i am not a dropout, i have a bachelor in computer science, you are taking this out of context, i am talking about the online "Sir" attitude and the thinking behind it, you have to understand my reasoning..

Cops can call me Sir. cigars are cool too, i do have a problem with Suits however, i prefer to wear pajamas when i go to work, but my desk is only 5 meters away from my bedroom so it's kinda okay..