Do you like it when indian service providers call you SIR ??


New member
Jan 18, 2008
I left my job as software engineer 4 years ago to work online for 2 reasons:

1) i have a big problem with authority and i want to be FREE
2) i don't want to have to hear the fucking words: SIR, BOSS and WE.

and here i am again, tortured by those words everyday by Indian freelancers, i can't stand sentences like "We will be very happy to serve you SIR" i feel that it's a form of degradation, and about the "WE", half of the time it's one person posing as a company, and it's so easy to spot, why the hell some people try so hard to fake a company status online when they are doing social bookmarks for $3 per package. why not just be upfront about who you are ? and i don't want to hear the WE OR SIR anyway, so could you please just skip that boring part so we can do business ??

Maybe i just hate it because it reminds me of what i hate the most in this life : A 8-5 day job.

is anybody here like me ? what do you think guys ?

I dont like boss, but I like sir. It's good to not be too informal. Familiarity breeds contempt.
I hate saying the word sir - and never do say it without sarcasm.

I don't like being called sir by random strangers ("excuse me sir, do you have the time?") but when it's being said by someone working for me it's appropriate.

And as far as reading "sir" - I can't see how that could bother anyone. Just filter it out and stop giving the word your attention.
it bother me sometime..but the worse thing is, they always try to touch me while we are talking..either my hand or my shoulder
it's not just the "WORD" itself that bothers me, it's the whole cheap attitude, context, style and thinking behind it, like Slayerment said, the whole thing is just too fake / Artificial.
I guess it would also depend on how often it's said.

The only time people say it to me is when acknowledging what I said with a "yes sir"

If they append it to every sentence then yes it would annoy me by seeming fake and overused.
Hello sir,

Why you no like be call sir? I just kid friend.

Sometime it hard for make every people happy. Some American think it insult when no call sir because think they much better then Indian. Now have you who think it insult when call sir.

I think it just way train especially call center. Teach very important to make customer think they very respect and important. Truth is most no really care and just want job for good money.

Good luck bro
Some American think it insult when no call sir because think they much better then Indian.
That is exactly what i am talking about and the reason why i don't want you to call me Sir (by the way i am french), because i know why you are doing it and you are wrong. I don't think that "americans" here think they are better than you, it's all in your head, all people are equal. that's the cheap attitude i am talking about, and that's why i referred to this practice as a form "degradation" in my first post.

and yes matt, some Indians can't start or close a sentence without "sir" when they are dealing with you .
Yeah, exactly. I treat my employees/contractors/clients/etc. as equals right across the board. I hate being called "sir" in that degrading way. I don't kid myself with class structures.

I don't care if someone says 'excuse me sir' or whatever in public though.
I left my job as software engineer 4 years ago to work online for 2 reasons:

1) i have a big problem with authority and i want to be FREE
2) i don't want to have to hear the fucking words: SIR, BOSS and WE.

and here i am again, tortured by those words everyday by Indian freelancers, i can't stand sentences like "We will be very happy to serve you SIR" i feel that it's a form of degradation, and about the "WE", half of the time it's one person posing as a company, and it's so easy to spot, why the hell some people try so hard to fake a company status online when they are doing social bookmarks for $3 per package. why not just be upfront about who you are ? and i don't want to hear the WE OR SIR anyway, so could you please just skip that boring part so we can do business ??

Maybe i just hate it because it reminds me of what i hate the most in this life : A 8-5 day job.

is anybody here like me ? what do you think guys ?

wahh wahhh wahhh