DirectTrack Down - Again

Cake vs. Direct Track.
the engineer who designed their system to render links dead as soon as there's technical difficulties needs to be kicked in the nuts. and fired.
I'm not really surprised, but to be down this long is insane. They have always had downtime issues. I remember using it 4-5 years ago and it had problems...

Idk why any network is still using this platform...

Also, lol at the networks jumping on this including Azoogle/Epic that just sent out an email talking about it.

Anyway, hopefully they get it back up and running soon, sucks for everyone involved.
the engineer who designed their system to render links dead as soon as there's technical difficulties needs to be kicked in the nuts. and fired.

well it's hard for them not to render dead if hardware is down. do u think this is magic lol?
well it's hard for them not to render dead if hardware is down. do u think this is magic lol?
i'm thinking they can't be stupid enough to not have some level of redundancy in there so it's probably not only a technical problem
Thanks to all the networks (8 and counting) who took it upon themselves to shit on Direct Track networks with your shameless emails- "As you know Direct Track is down. Come run traffic with us as we're tracking fine"
the engineer who designed their system to render links dead as soon as there's technical difficulties needs to be kicked in the nuts. and fired.

Most likely retired already since he probably designed DT in the early 90s and it hasn't changed since.
It's really telling that it's been down that long and no one had posted yet. I'll admit my first thought was "People still use DirectTrack?"

I'm pretty sure it has been down since yesterday. I'm rolling an offer on a network that uses them and my shit has been down for a couple days.
i'm thinking they can't be stupid enough to not have some level of redundancy in there so it's probably not only a technical problem

they do have some redundancy but all of the levels of their redundancy failed. So I would agree with you that their redundancy setup (among everything else) is kind of shitty.
It's really telling that it's been down that long and no one had posted yet. I'll admit my first thought was "People still use DirectTrack?"

err for one Clickbooth, arguably the biggest network is still on DT., not small - also on DT. there's still some very heavy volume on DT. a ton of networks and perhaps more importantly advertisers still use em.
All the more reason to roll with a network with proprietary software. Then there is nobody to blame when it blows up and they compensate you for your downtime.

Not to start a circle jerk or anything but MaxBounty is pretty fucking infinite.