DirecTrack is Down! Pause Campaigns!

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Attention everyone... as of 2:58pm EST DirecTrack seems to be down across a ton of networks, so you may want to pause your campaigns because there's no way anything is being tracked right now. Will chime in when its back up again.

Thanks for the notice, and a big fuck you to directtrack! I'm going through and pausing all my accounts now.
Some offers are loading for me.. but are taking 20-30 seconds.. so might as well not be loading at all.
Hate to say it, but before everyone goes on a giant lynch mob attack towards DT none of us know the reason behind the issue, could be something out of their hands, although unlikely. Just saying.
Although I fail to understand DT completely, how could an issue with their own product be out of their control? Don't mean to sound like a smart ass, just wondering.
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