Did anyone else just get an email from Motive...

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New member
Nov 14, 2006
Containing a full list of publishers that have been active in the system for consecutive six months and did not generate any revenue.

I have pub IDs, emails, websites, full names, internal notes.
From the looks of it, quite an amount of WF guys on there. Believe it was sent to anyone on that list...


Yup I got the list too plus about 150 other emails meant to be sent to other pubs apparently...great fuckup since theres a massive list of pubs with their emails, phone, websites, notes, what they run...
ya, looks like a mailing screw up and not an individual screw up. None the less, any leg up the had is pretty much gone. I fear an office space "copy machine" incident happening today at Motive.
Hmm, I didn't get that, and I'm signed up at Motive but never made a sale. All I got was an email from Ryan the other day asking what he could do to get me active in promoting their offers. Hopefully my email isn't on the list, since I've gotten enough offer spam ever since Jesse at Azoogle accidentally CCed his whole contact list last summer.
Good thing he is CEO, or his ass would be grass otherwise...

Closed my account with them awhile ago, but still on their mailing list....guess they never took me off.
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