Diarrhea Links - We Treat The Sandbox Like A Sick Cat

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I remember having good luck with this service in general, just need to get that login script on the website worked out. I had an account from long ago, but user/pass combo didn't work. Reset the pass but no mention of what my username is. Turns out I had the right username all along but the username field is case sensitive (never seen that before) with no mention of that.

Tighten that shit up bro!

Looking forward to the actual service though. Are Base I and Base II the only services being offered right now?
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I remember having good luck with this service in general, just need to get that login script on the website worked out. I had an account from long ago, but user/pass combo didn't work. Reset the pass but no mention of what my username is. Turns out I had the right username all along but the username field is case sensitive (never seen that before) with no mention of that.

Tighten that shit up bro!

Looking forward to the actual service though. Are Base I and Base II the only services being offered right now?

Noted on the bug (feature), Dev team looking into it. Correct on Base I and Base II.

Queuing up all those bulk orders (and singles) that came in overnight, business as usual this week, let's rank some shit!

an explanation about the method and why is it so effective would help to decide about trying it, as the platforms it uses (web 2's, article directories, blog comments etc) are not the highest quality link sources now adays


Got it rolling, thanks! Along with all the other orders from last night.


an explanation about the method and why is it so effective would help to decide about trying it, as the platforms it uses (web 2's, article directories, blog comments etc) are not the highest quality link sources now adays


From the first post:

Wickefire is rife with copycats. It's also a popular honeypot for the web spam team of a certain large search engine. I've found that it's best not to advertise exactly what we're doing, and why.

If I lay out here exactly what (and why) we're doing, it will get copied to shit. Those techniques will lose effectiveness. They'll also get picked up by Matt and the boys, and be compensated for. SGW already caused two Google Inside Search updates, not even going to shoot for the hat trick. That protects me, it protects all our past clients, it protects all our future clients. And considering that most of our business right now is ordering multiple times, that is my highest priority.

So that'd be a no. Thanks for taking a look.

If you were an actual internet marketer using this service on a new churn n burn site which domain would you pick

A. Brand new, just registered domain.
B. 6 year old domain with no links, no archive history, that just "expired", purchased through godaddy auctions.
C. 1 year old domain with ~600 random low quality links, but no archive history.

All .com's with main keyword in domain.
Got it rolling, thanks! Along with all the other orders from last night.

From the first post:

If I lay out here exactly what (and why) we're doing, it will get copied to shit. Those techniques will lose effectiveness. They'll also get picked up by Matt and the boys, and be compensated for. SGW already caused two Google Inside Search updates, not even going to shoot for the hat trick. That protects me, it protects all our past clients, it protects all our future clients. And considering that most of our business right now is ordering multiple times, that is my highest priority.

So that'd be a no. Thanks for taking a look.

Thanks for your reply. Is it safe to use it directly to a branded ecommerce client site or it's better to use it via a buffer site, and if so, what kind of a buffer site?


If you were an actual internet marketer using this service on a new churn n burn site which domain would you pick

A. Brand new, just registered domain.
B. 6 year old domain with no links, no archive history, that just "expired", purchased through godaddy auctions.
C. 1 year old domain with ~600 random low quality links, but no archive history.

All .com's with main keyword in domain.

I don't really use it for churn and burn type sites, as it lends itself to slower more sustained rankings. I use it on sites I plan on keeping around as long as possible. So, if I was going to use it for churn and burn (accomplished via other links you build/purchase to same domain, as LL won't do it for you unless you took that brand new domain and used one URL/one keyword, and even then it would probably pop back out), I'd use the brand new domain, as it's the least value and lowest opportunity cost. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for your reply. Is it safe to use it directly to a branded ecommerce client site or it's better to use it via a buffer site, and if so, what kind of a buffer site?


When in doubt, 301 anything for safety. I run them direct all day all the time but that's just me, my risk tolerance and your risk tolerance might be completely different. Thanks!
Just set a order yesterday and looked at my login panel today and work already under way...

Looking forward to some great results
last question for today - what about foreign languages anchors?

Has always been efficient so far, need to be UTF-8 character encoding tho...

Just set a order yesterday and looked at my login panel today and work already under way...

Looking forward to some great results

Glad you like it, we're rocking on the results bit now. Thanks!
I'm also a big fan of using raw url variations for URL #2 by making URL#2 Keyword #1 a matching URL.

Grind, on your next bump can you explain this please? An example would be great. When I read this my head either instantly explodes or spins continuously like the googlehammer.
I really need to finish that fucking FAQ page...

URL #1: hxxp://datspammyurl.com

Keyword #1: {dat spam|more spam|comes in a can|spam spam|slam spam|ect spam}

URL #2: hxxp://datspammyurl.com

Keyword #1: hxxp://datspammyurl.com
Powered down the server to clone it for a dev environment so we can fire up some new features without effecting the ongoing projects. Should be able to restart it in 15 minutes or so, apologies for any inconvenience during that time.

All orders received yesterday have been queued and assigned. Thanks! Oh yeah, happy Zombie Jesus day that we celebrate by inhaling chocolate.
In honor of Zombie Jesus Day and cause I like Grindstones witty humor even during the 2 minutes we hung out at the Badger Ball in Vegas I just ordered another LL and you should too if you know whats good for you 3 am bump.
I am interested in this service. However, i just got a "Unnatural Inbound Links" from Google and my rankings had dropped about 30 positions. Shld i continue with link building?
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