Dennis Yu = New Zac Johnson

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He better use those millions that he made that he is not proud of to buy a few Kevlar vests, and get his Prius outfitted properly. Dude just make a LOAD of enemies.

Yeah cause affiliate marketers are so intimidating. 100 fucking forum nerds are going to say shit like "he better hope I don't run into him at ASW". Eventually they will and Dennis will wonder why he keeps getting dirty looks from guys in Ed Hardy and Affliction t-shirts and nobody talks to him.
Yeah cause affiliate marketers are so intimidating. 100 fucking forum nerds are going to say shit like "he better hope I don't run into him at ASW". Eventually they will and Dennis will wonder why he keeps getting dirty looks from guys in Ed Hardy and Affliction t-shirts and nobody talks to him.

Yeah cause affiliate marketers are so intimidating. 100 fucking forum nerds are going to say shit like "he better hope I don't run into him at ASW". Eventually they will and Dennis will wonder why he keeps getting dirty looks from guys in Ed Hardy and Affliction t-shirts and nobody talks to him.

Speak for yourself. None of that sh!t applies to me. I'll be more than happy to make an example out of him.
Man that article pissed me off, I didn't realize until today that it was Dennis Yu. What a loser, that is totally uncool to out tactics like that. Net effect will probably not be that high, but still, it was a dick move.
People who generally read techcrunch tend to be aware of what's going on on the internet. People who are generally targetted by marketers are the complete opposite, most of the time. Regardless he's a faggot.
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