Dear Lidango: Please Stop Emailing Me

Michael O'Shea
date Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 3:44 PM
subject Hi

Some examples at Lidango:

Zazoom White - $38 cpa

Acai Nutra - $36 cpa

ColoFlush 2 - $40 cpa

ResvPure - $38 cpa

Google Startup Kit 2 - $34 cpa

Top Logo Ringtones - $15 cpa

And many many more....

Best Regards


Michael O'Shea
Lidango Performance Based Marketing

Michael O'Shea

show details Jul 20, 2009 3:44 PM (1 hour ago)


I would like to invite you to Lidango Affiliate Network.

We aggregate the best offers at the highest payouts $15 - $40 on various diet, skin care, biz op, credit and mobile offers.

--I have sent you a follow up email with *special deals* currently going on in our network--

Most often that email gets caught in the spam box so please make sure you check it.

Unique Tracking system proven with proven higher conversions then any other network online!

Lidango Performance Based Marketing - Where Premium Publishers Meet

Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Best Regards


P.S. I apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this email. Since most domain names are protected by domain proxies I have no way to knowing if the 10 sites I am contacting are all from the same owner. To be removed from future mailings, simply reply with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject line.
Michael O'Shea
Lidango Performance Based Marketing

BTW, how exactly do you want someone to "unsubscribe" when you're sending this to whois guard e-mails, perhaps you'd like me to reply from my actual e-mail address so you can add me to your spam list?

i will say this though - one thing i don't like about lidango is how they base their epc's off of unique i.p clicks - so they're completely skewed. So if you're a noob and comparing you're stats to other networks make sure you pay attention.
So clocks has full knowledge that Lidango is spamming and fully admits it, even goes on to say he will stop it. Lidango fucking suck and I hope this thread gets to #1 in google to put these stupid fucks out of business. I wouldn't run anything with a company who A) admits to spamming and B) lies that they've stopped.
I"m an affiliate manager for , and i do contact webmasters.
If i have no response i try to contact them again, but if they send me and email saying not interested i just note thAT under there contact details and don't hit them up again.
So if you don't want to be bothered again JUST SAY NO.....