DDM Marketing SCAM- Mike Walker Ryan Conway- TECH SUPPORT

OP, no lube for you in the upcoming ass raping you recieve, no matter how much you beg.


When Jon jumps all over something like he has here, you know you're fucked!


Not surprised to see this from Mike. Ryan, on the other hand, is a pretty good guy.

I'll give him a call and ask him what's up - judging from what I know of him, he isn't in the vanguard with something as shady as this.


EDIT: We talked... lots of major updates coming from upper management. I'll let you guys know as I find out more - have to keep this short because I'm heading into a meeting right now.
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Not surprised to see this from Mike. Ryan, on the other hand, is a pretty good guy.

I'll give him a call and ask him what's up - judging from what I know of him, he isn't in the vanguard with something as shady as this.


EDIT: We talked... lots of major updates coming from upper management. I'll let you guys know as I find out more - have to keep this short because I'm heading into a meeting right now.

all you really seemed to want to convey in that post is your high degree of insiderness.
lol look at the rest of his posts, the dude claims to know EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING.

Incorrect. I don't know "EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING" - I only post when I know the parties involved. There have been plenty of topics that I haven't been involved in. If you quickly browse through of all of the threads on STS then you'll see that.

Thanks for your time.

Incorrect. I don't know "EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING" - I only post when I know the parties involved. There have been plenty of topics that I haven't been involved in. If you quickly browse through of all of the threads on STS then you'll see that.

Thanks for your time.


sweet. now that you're out of the meeting with the major industry players, the floor is yours.
Incorrect. I don't know "EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING" - I only post when I know the parties involved. There have been plenty of topics that I haven't been involved in. If you quickly browse through of all of the threads on STS then you'll see that.

Thanks for your time.


You, Sir, are a fucking Cocksucker and a Retard.

you, sir, are an annoying little cunt, and you have been for quite a long time now. your act has gotten a bit moldy and tired.

Although my post expressed support for your position, it should be noted that you, my friend, have an opinion that means less than "Always'" to me.

Fuck you right in your talk-hole, my little bitch. :love-smiley-086:
Although my post expressed support for your position, it should be noted that you, my friend, have an opinion that means less than "Always'" to me.

Fuck you right in your talk-hole, my little bitch. :love-smiley-086:

thanks. i'm all tore up inside.
took me a whole fucking 24 hours to log back in this bitch Ive been trying since last night to respond in this bitch- i got something nice for u guys - im just writing it all down and including the screen shots, etc- its prettyyy.. ridiculous- it goes from Israelis who made their toolbar and are distributing it to them fucking ehearding info from their "My Cloud Ally" and their "PCSafe Pro" - im including images, etc of all I also am including pieces of the source code- fuck the WSO im gonna show you all this shit for free- from how the retargets allows the victim to see the "update java" for days, etc to what their targets are for the pop-ups lol hint: bankofamerica.com wellsfargo.com latimes.com nytimes.com, AnyNewsPaperUSA.com- ohhh their serving it thru yahoo shit too- of course old people bank online and read the news online - no worries though proof will be provided veryyy veryy soon in a nice step by step - took me hours to be able to log in here again... kept telling me servers were busy.

Guess the blackmail worked as no proof forthcoming.

I know you guys are like, wtf is going on...


It really is this hilarious.

Well said, just lost 10 minutes of my time,same as shitty pans Gruin thread.

Even if someone is doing shady business, why do you care ? Its their own way of making money, not that I say its good, but thats their route. Everybody choose their own path. I bet we have not paying clients or clients that havent paid, did shady shit, but not many of us comes here crying like bitch.

[9/21/14, 23:59:06 PM] [ Operative #2 ]: Did anyone catch that the guy doing the interview of the criminal charges was the former Mayor - Kirk Wilson?

Jesus Christ man... So this dude was sworn in by the mayor at the time, then the Mayor quit to become a news reporter... And now when OP sells ***** to the undercover *** - the former mayor, now a news reporter is the one interviewing the OP where OP is talking about where he was "setup".

This is a city-wide troll mang.

I doubt it at this point, but let's see if OP will deliver something, anything with proof he's owed money, and not simply looking for the $50,000 extortion in exchange of getting this thread deleted from wickedfire - which folks are still wondering, how does he plan on getting this thread deleted - even if they were to have paid?

Shit is crazy, dude's on parole and extorting people - that's like a violation of parole or something... I can't see his PO or a judge letting extortion slide or let it being swept under the rug. Maybe he can use his former mayoral contacts... oh wait... he's the one reporting the criminal charges.

This is like backfire city...

Let me get back to work, I got some coding to do mang...