DDM Marketing SCAM- Mike Walker Ryan Conway- TECH SUPPORT


Carlisle Tax Collector
Hello WF,

I was employeed by Digital Diamond Marketing in Philadelphia - I worked out of the philly office- or I guess you can say their apartment... These guys are running a massive Tech Support SCAM where they are selling calls that tell your grandmom she has a trojan on her computer (that they out their) and that its going to cost money to get it off- but here is the sick part- the ads change based upon your grandmoms ISP so your grandmom sees "Comcast user you security is at risk" cal (888)989-7890 - these scum bags are not only selling these calls and banking to other scum bags but they are also driving calls to their own centers- techoptix.com and techbaseline.com - these faggots never paid me and used my call center contacts- they have a faggot ass toolbar their serving ads off and retargeting for JVL media updates and java updates- the usual faggot shit- they had a company called 24/7 PC guard but that shit got shut down and had -$50,000 chargebacks and they had over 8,000 Ripoff Report Complaints but they SEO'd the fuck out of it and i cant find it anymore - Faggots... banking like $100,000 a week off selling calls and taking your and my grandmoms bread- isp changes based upon victim to make them think ur calling in ISP put a stop to it...


told yaw I was coming this is just the start... expect a knock at tht 4K a month peasant apartment - I mean office... lol :ak::2gunsfiring_v1:
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I only worked with them in the call center portion- helped get them a contract with one of my overseas providers- didnt know much about how things were being done- but the more I heard people calling in and asking if "this is comcast" or "is this Xfinity" I kept asking myself why the fuck would they be asking that- thought i was just random pops- then i saw what was good and got out...when I asked for my last $$ shit hit the fan so FUCK IT
You know there are several operations that do this around the nation right? Even 'extended car warranties' call centers operate the same way. I'm curious, if you have call center contacts, how are you not aware that this is one of the biggest revenue sources for most call centers?

People get cold calls all the time for stuff they don't need and are confused about. Even email spam comes in like this.

I wouldn't try to call them out cause of a moral crusade, just state they owe you money - cause if you really are about this moral crusade, you would come to the conclusion your paychecks are coming from "confused" grandma's purse. I don't see you exactly trying to give back all your ill gotten wins...​
We focus on payday leads

Cool - makes sense payday loans, I'm glad to hear you are in a less critiqued industry - one that isn't known for customer complaints, confusing ads, and extortion level interest rates.

Just call them out for owing you money - not this moral crusade while you're servicing another industry that's known for conducting less then reputable business with consumers.

And I'm not against anyone making money - but come on... Kettle meet pot. They owe you money, everything else is just noise.
Karma's a bitch.

Look at what happened to mgrunin, ryan eagle, and jesse wilms.

Nuff said.

Also, please don't shoot up their office. If anything, just report them to the police.

Someone at my friend's office got fired, so he went to his boss's house, pretended to be a pizza delivery guy, and then shot her and shot himself. He had a daughter. Not cool.
Karma's a bitch.

Look at what happened to mgrunin, ryan eagle, and jesse wilms.

Jesse Willms is doing alright compared with Grunin and Ryan Eagle. I really wouldn't put him in the same category as clowns like Eagle or Grunin who are both broke ass losers. Willms continued to stay in business after settling with the FTC.
Their were no winss.... only win was for them.. ultimately Carter you dont know my biz and what kind of call centers I work with- This sort of tech support isnt one of them- We focus on payday leads and other verticals..this was chartered territory for us

As others said, it sucks you got screwed but any money you earned came from these ill gotten gains. By the way, I wouldn't class "payday loans" as an upstanding field, again, you're only targeting the less well off in society.
ay gurl, is that you in the 1st pic?

If so, you have really big tits but a fucked up face :f

I feel like you were just some pawn in their little operation. Payday loans eh? yea thats never a shady biz.

Do you have any examples of their toolbar or .exe's ? If so, post them here, I would love to disect them and see what exactly it does.
Their were no winss.... only win was for them.. ultimately Carter you dont know my biz and what kind of call centers I work with- This sort of tech support isnt one of them- We focus on payday leads and other verticals..this was chartered territory for us

Pot calling the kettle black much? Although, Carter is one fiiiiiiine black brotha I will say that...

It's true, he doesn't know your biz and what kind of call centers you work with, and neither does anyone else. In fact, how do we know you're really getting screwed here or not just blackmailing them because they said no to a raise or some random request?

See, we don't know.. because you're a fucking brand new member here (or choosing to post on a new account to hide who you really are.. logic, I has it.) and offer ZERO credibility furthermore ZERO proof to back up your statements.

Showing photos of people and calling them faggots is not proof.

Either show proof, or people here will be turning on you for being a dickhead, and you're going to be facing a lot more challenges than just a forum that gives zero fucks about your "dilemma" in the first place and instead, uses you for the cannon fodder you are setting yourself up to quickly become.

....of course, think first THEN post is always my advice.. but you just attacked a member here without proving yourself first fuckhead.. and that is why we love people like you... because you provide us with so much lulz when you fuck up.

I'm really hoping there is no proof so my boys here can tear you a new asshole. It's been a while since we've had a fuck up like this and Grunin is getting too crazy for most of us to keep up.
I mean i have everything including recordings of the calls with people asking if its comcast, charter, rogers, etc- this is global- calls are going to be coming in from Aus, calls come in from Canada etc... lol I can post real quick an image of what youd see- requesting you do a adobe update, etc- of course when the pop comes up the cookie is dropped- I can tell you what the targets are also for the original media player pop-up - the lander tht drops the cookie- they ultimately are popping 20K Ace of Spades bottles- At the end of the day its not about the BREAD its about the fact that I literally am loosing everything around me, my car, apartment, food, etc because They hired me then fired me when I told them they had to stop the way they were sending the messages, when I started to rock the boat they let me go..... Guess the coke and weed made them think they were untouchable- I can send you the toolbar, pops, calls, etc- whatever u want lol but at the end of the day the WSO thing is not a bad idea... because i need to figure something out- Both of them called my family, showed up at my house and called my fucking mother after I posted this- their GREEDY people- and honestly I dont giveee a fuckk- they wronged me twice- at the end of the day their lucky because I COULD have posted wayyyy more shit- what pisses me off the most is that I introduced them to a call center in India that I represented and they took all their BREAD$$$$ and poached my guys and are about to fly over their and build a building with my fucking guys- not just that but i gave them an idea to use pay per call for getting merchant account leads and they went behind my back on that also- Im sure some of you guys have been in a position where you built million dollar business and have been kicked out- ultimately Im not going to be fucked by these kids AGAIN - not at all....
Already got HIS info... pretty simple. Double verified it too.

24 hours... if you post no proof your info gets posted and the people you've accused with no proof will be able to go against you.. hard... I'm sure.

May this be a typical warning to all, don't make accusations and then be brazen enough to attack those that question ya, when you post zero proof.

Have a wonderful Shabbos. :)