Dad must pay child support for 3 kids that aren't his: Court rules

If I'd built a relationship with someone for years starting from their birth I can't imagine I'd suddenly feel different about them. Their mother, sure, but I wouldn't love the kids any less. Sure, it's be pretty painful - well, to me - maybe not all you SUPER ALPHA BRO'S in here.

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Trash= Her god damn financial/lifestyle issues. It's not fair to the kids one bit, but why should he have to fix her problems?

I said nothing about the mother, I questioned why people are negging on the kids, NOT ONE MENTION OF THE MOTHER.

I said nothing about the mother, I questioned why people are negging on the kids, NOT ONE MENTION OF THE MOTHER.

I say trash

U say trash neg kiddds

I say trash nono it = mom

u say "whaaaaaaa?"

I say trash

U say trash neg kiddds

I say trash nono it = mom

u say "whaaaaaaa?"


Object, Subject, Predicate, Possessive Noun. Learn these things.

Fuck, I think even alimony is pure bullshit, but taking care of deceiving whores trash? Nah, I'd be outy 5000 to a different country.

^ Whore's trash is a reference to the children, so I'll say it again, why are people negging on the children?
"In subsequent court pleadings, Donna maintains she was “rushed and pressured and did not read” the documents before she signed them. She said she did not understand she was signing away the right to any future spousal support, even if her circumstances changed.

“Donna got the million dollar lakefront mansion and full custody of the children with child support, but no spousal support, in exchange for the house,” Hans Mills writes. “Everyone at the time agreed that my spousal support obligation had been met fully.”

He notes the deal also provided Donna with a built-in revenue stream because the house contained a separate apartment that was rented for nearly $2,000 a month.

Over the next few years, a feud simmered between the once-happy couple. Three years after their “Final Order,” all kinds of issues had arisen about the kids and Donna’s inability to work, and a new trial was scheduled for the fall of 2011."

Mindblown. He gave her a 1.2 million dollar house and $2000 a month in reoccurring revenue. I don't get why courts just cant see when some of these women simply DON'T want to work. She could work as a secretary or even in an office and that + the rent money would have her at an acceptable level of income. She could get off her high horse sell the house downsize and not need support. Shes pretty clearly choosing the option that involves the least amount of work on her part.

It is shitty what he did but they had an agreement. She signed and now she wants more.
Support group for Fathers, bookmark for future:

Dead Beat Dads

Helps deal with court, miscalculation of payments, rights to children etc.. That's a British one, but there should be something similar in USA.
^^ Same with divorce settlements. You don't even have to get married in Canada to have someone take 50% of your shit. Just have to live with each other for I think 6 months or so. The law then recognizes it as a common-law marriage, and voila, you're on the hook for 50%.

Fuck! What kind of bullshit law is that!
If I'd built a relationship with someone for years starting from their birth I can't imagine I'd suddenly feel different about them. Their mother, sure, but I wouldn't love the kids any less. Sure, it's be pretty painful - well, to me - maybe not all you SUPER ALPHA BRO'S in here.

I said nothing about the mother, I questioned why people are negging on the kids, NOT ONE MENTION OF THE MOTHER.

I used to think a bit like this. I never understood how someone could adopt a child. But after raising a kid of your own, you realise that the actual DNA you donate is a small (if vital :) ) part of the equation.

Personally, I'd make nice, get back together, and then put radium in her coffee every day for the next 5 years until she turned into a giant tumour and died horribly without ever knowing it was me. But I'd still look after the kids.
If I'd built a relationship with someone for years starting from their birth I can't imagine I'd suddenly feel different about them. Their mother, sure, but I wouldn't love the kids any less. Sure, it's be pretty painful - well, to me - maybe not all you SUPER ALPHA BRO'S in here.

Agreed 100%. The relationship and love we built with our children does not change because of DNA.
I agree, However If I was that man i would be demanding the 3 kids Biological father pay child support. I would not disrupt my son and his sisters relationship but I would not be paying for another mans children. The whore ass mother needs to take some responsibility for this crap.

I have no doubt the father loves them all and is devastated to find out 3 of the 4 is not his but it should not be his place to pay for his ex-wife's bullshit either. I am sure she knows who she had sex with. She can start tracking them down to pay for their own child.

You're the only one who's pointed out that there are THREE other fathers out there getting off scot-free who should be the ones paying the support for their daughters, not this fellow. The mother says they are all from different men, so she must know who they are, and the court should force her to reveal their identities so that they can be made to pay up.
Mindblown. He gave her a 1.2 million dollar house and $2000 a month in reoccurring revenue. I don't get why courts just cant see when some of these women simply DON'T want to work. She could work as a secretary or even in an office and that + the rent money would have her at an acceptable level of income. She could get off her high horse sell the house downsize and not need support. Shes pretty clearly choosing the option that involves the least amount of work on her part.

It is shitty what he did but they had an agreement. She signed and now she wants more.

Crazy. I don't blame the guy for leaving the country to get away from that woman and a court that keeps ordering him to give her more.

I like the email that he sent to her after he was already gone...

The result of the legal instrument which you recently designed and implemented is that there is no possibility of a comfortable life or a (secure) retirement for me in Canada at all. Therefore I have left the country to seek greener pastures elsewhere, and will never return.

Well done Einstein.

Good luck and goodbye.
In full serious, there should be laws against this shit. It's not even a stretch to call it embezzlement.

But you know what? There are so many beta cuckold men - in the exact meaning of the word - as witnessed by this thread, that a horrible, despicable, lying person like this woman (gender is irrelevant) gets off and even tries to extort money. All because some men like to put women on a pedistal and think of themselves as knights in shining armor.

Don't you understand that in your attempt to save these women, that you are actually the ones treating them as lesser humans?

If women want equality, they should be held to the same standards as men and you're doing both men and women a disservice by being such white knights.

You bet that I'm going to get a DNA test if I get children, even if I love the woman who gave birth to them.

The rest of you may consider books such as Red Queen and Sperm Wars if you want to understand why this sort of thing happens - and it happens frequently.
My fiancee knows that if she gets fat, I'm breaking up with her. Only grace period is 9 months after having children

Make sure she breastfeeds for as long as possible, that shit burns calories insanely. wife now nurses our 3 yr old and 5 month old.. she shot up from 125 @ 5'10, to 180 at the end of the pregnancy.. 5 months out she's down to 138 now, wouldn't have been possible without breastfeeding... well, aside from hitting up the gym a lot, which becomes tough with youngsters.

but yeah, I'm with you.. my wife knows that if she gets real fat and does nothing to stop it, i won't be having that crap. not just because I don't want her to look fat, but because it sets a poor example for our kids.
Make sure she breastfeeds for as long as possible, that shit burns calories insanely. wife now nurses our 3 yr old and 5 month old.. she shot up from 125 @ 5'10, to 180 at the end of the pregnancy.. 5 months out she's down to 138 now, wouldn't have been possible without breastfeeding... well, aside from hitting up the gym a lot, which becomes tough with youngsters.

but yeah, I'm with you.. my wife knows that if she gets real fat and does nothing to stop it, i won't be having that crap. not just because I don't want her to look fat, but because it sets a poor example for our kids.

Oh wow, I had no idea! Also, problem is that women use pregnancy to gain an abhorrent amount of weight. My friend's a doctor and he said that healthy weight gain is only like 25-30 pounds. But yeah, no putting up with that stuff.

It'd be like if I suddenly got super lazy and unambitious and after child birth, stayed that way lol
Oh wow, I had no idea! Also, problem is that women use pregnancy to gain an abhorrent amount of weight. My friend's a doctor and he said that healthy weight gain is only like 25-30 pounds. But yeah, no putting up with that stuff.

It'd be like if I suddenly got super lazy and unambitious and after child birth, stayed that way lol

My wife has always been super skinny, but for some reason, she put on a lot of weight during pregnancy (like 50 lbs), but did not eat like shit at all. Some bodies are different, the part you really have to worry about is *after* the kid is born. 9 months is a good time allowance for getting rid of it. "9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off"..
Make sure she breastfeeds for as long as possible, that shit burns calories insanely. wife now nurses our 3 yr old and 5 month old.

How long does she plan to keep nursing the older one?

This is a 3 year old breastfeeding...


This was your comment in the thread about it...

My wife is a huge advocate of attachment parenting, still breastfeeds our 2 yr old daughter with another one on the way in September. Though I don't think she'll be breastfeeding them when they're beyond 3 lol.