Dad is dying, can't afford to visit, wat do?

It always amazes me that people are able to make loads of money doing something as complex and analytically intensive as affiliate marketing is and then don't have the skills to manage their own money. Don't let yourself get into this situation next time bro.

Turns out my dad is fine after his long surgery. Thanks for all the... love. And I'm aware that I've been stupid with my money. I was 18 years old and made $400,000 in 3 months. Of course I blew it, and all the money that followed. I'm trying to learn from my spending mistakes. I just hope to hit it big one more time, and actually invest my $ this time.
It happens, I burned up 20k on a drug binge before I was 21 and thought that was bad.

But then I've watched some older trust fund babies smoke coke and lose everything in their 50's and 60's, so I'm glad I got it out of my system early.
Turns out my dad is fine after his long surgery. Thanks for all the... love. And I'm aware that I've been stupid with my money. I was 18 years old and made $400,000 in 3 months. Of course I blew it, and all the money that followed. I'm trying to learn from my spending mistakes. I just hope to hit it big one more time, and actually invest my $ this time.

So I guess this means "Fuck It". Not going to see dad? Two days ago you thought he was going to die, everythings good? Back to normal?

I just hope to hit it big one more time
It would be really, really bad for you if you did. If you dont want to stress over scraping a few hundred bucks together in times of emergency, you need to do it slow. Do it over time and you're not going to ever have to worry about money again. That's a lie. You will still worry about money. But you wont be worried about pulling a couple hundred bucks together to say goodbye to your dying dad.

Good luck bro. I would recommend some soul searching. Figure out what really matters. Pro Tip, it shouldn't be dreaming of hitting the lottery.
I would recommend some soul searching. Figure out what really matters. Pro Tip, it shouldn't be dreaming of hitting the lottery.

To expand on what dmnEPC has said;

Everyone I know or have ever spoken to, including myself, has had experiences like this.

Make a shit ton of money and blow it all with no regard for the future.

The thinking is always "I'm making mad bank and I only have to work 1 hour a day/week and I can spend the rest of the time playing video game/watching tv/jerking off. This is fucking awesome and will last forever"

Except reality smashes you in the face with a brick and shows you that "no, it wont last forever and now you're fucking broke."

The choice is to continue doing what you were doing previously and accept that bricks in the face is going to be part of your life OR realize that what what you were is doing is fucking stupid and learn from that.

I'll admit that it took a few bricks to the face before I realized how stupid I was being, but I learned.


I just hope to hit it big one more time, and actually invest my $ this time.

If you continue to think like this you will be that broke 50 year old guy sitting in the bar telling stories about how in your 20's you made $400k in 3 months to other equally desperate and pathetic losers.

It always amazes me that people are able to make loads of money doing something as complex and analytically intensive as affiliate marketing is

OP didn't know how to do any of that shit. The only skills OP used was pressing "Start" on Mychanger and letting the software do the rest.

He's clearly an idiot who got lucky once and never bothered to think ahead.
Why not just road trip with randoms on CL for only a couple of bucks? Shit literally will cost less than $100-$200 to travel 2k miles.
I'm glad your dad's okay.

Sorry it seems like people are being dicks, I thought that too until I read through it. Then I realized it's where you're asking. I think a good deal of us here learned to make our living at least partially by not taking no for an answer and figuring stuff out, so there's not a lot of normal sympathy.

You can learn from it though. Your dad was critical once, if it happens again do you want to be in a similar situation? What can you do to prevent or plan for it?

Kudos to working a regular job after the IM success, that always sucks, but you can learn from that too.

For posterity I'll outline what you could have done: First off, the airlines, amtrak, all that, have hardship vouchers. They have public rules on them but if you find the right person they can make it happen. There's some pretty hardcore travel forums out there. Second, there are always people on craigslist looking to bum a long distance ride for free or cheap, there's always people looking for a free travel companion too. I'd also post a few ads offering to trade labor/services for transportation, cash or a ticket. You can also hitch, yes really. Truck drivers also may help out, I'd call trucking companies or try fb trucker support groups and forums. You could also try load transportation bidding sites, look for a load going that way in your timeframe, ask winner if they'll take you along. If you call social services they will direct you to foundations and churches etc. that could grant you a voucher for travel. Ask churches. Try a gofundme or kickstarter. Go beg in chats and reddits. I've got others but they're unnecessary, after 3 days max of hustling the above you should be squared away.
I'm glad your dad's okay.

Sorry it seems like people are being dicks, I thought that too until I read through it. Then I realized it's where you're asking. I think a good deal of us here learned to make our living at least partially by not taking no for an answer and figuring stuff out, so there's not a lot of normal sympathy.

You can learn from it though. Your dad was critical once, if it happens again do you want to be in a similar situation? What can you do to prevent or plan for it?

Kudos to working a regular job after the IM success, that always sucks, but you can learn from that too.

For posterity I'll outline what you could have done: First off, the airlines, amtrak, all that, have hardship vouchers. They have public rules on them but if you find the right person they can make it happen. There's some pretty hardcore travel forums out there. Second, there are always people on craigslist looking to bum a long distance ride for free or cheap, there's always people looking for a free travel companion too. I'd also post a few ads offering to trade labor/services for transportation, cash or a ticket. You can also hitch, yes really. Truck drivers also may help out, I'd call trucking companies or try fb trucker support groups and forums. You could also try load transportation bidding sites, look for a load going that way in your timeframe, ask winner if they'll take you along. If you call social services they will direct you to foundations and churches etc. that could grant you a voucher for travel. Ask churches. Try a gofundme or kickstarter. Go beg in chats and reddits. I've got others but they're unnecessary, after 3 days max of hustling the above you should be squared away.

Three Posts, in SIX YEARS, and it took me ONE click to turn your ignorant, account buying, retarded, goatfucking, bleeding heart, sick, penis-dripping, infected & sore infested ass red.

Enjoy, fuckface :thumbsup: