Dad is dying, can't afford to visit, wat do?

Make a Craigslist post asking for work. Here's the title for you:

"Dad's dying. Need work to make $320 for plane ticket."

Someone will respond. Three days of labor and you'll have that $320.

If not that, then here are other quick paying options:
- Sell plasma
- Sell sperm

If you have a car, then fucking drive. Gas is at $2 a gallon now. 4 Hours of driving. 1 Hour break. Keep going until you get there.
Lazy? I do what I have to do. I'm working the graveyard shift just to support myself right now. If CPA Empire, Copeac, EWA, and a dozen other networks didn't fuck me over maybe I'd be okay right now.

Stop blaming others for your own bad decisions. It's a shame you didn't save up any of that Mychanger money, because I know you were absolutely killing it then. You were doing 6 figures a fucking month dude.

I've taken some hits when I was an affiliate too, but through careful planning I went from being an affiliate to a real business owner. You instead continued to be a short sighter hustler. It's really pathetic. You had no vision.

I'm sorry to hear that your Dad is dying. At least you still have the opportunity to see him and say goodbye. I'm sure you'll figure out a way. My dad died very suddenly and I had no chance to say a proper goodbye to him which made me pretty depressed for a while. So consider yourself lucky.
Have no intention to judge or to blame or whatever... And am really sorry for your situation.

Just saying, if my dad was dying, i'd hardly use words like "wat do"... Maybe that's why people don't get you serious in this thread.

bruh, you don't need dem maybach monies to visit your dad. My guess is you probably don't want to visit him.
Or you could look for online donations if things are really that bad, start a page on Giveforward.
Give this one a go bro. Ill hand you some, send me a link


OP, start a donations page. I can't give you a lot, but I can send something your way.

It'll be humbling as fuck, but what other brilliant ideas do you have? Sounds like you need to act quickly.
Just make 100 more threads just like this one and post them on as many liberal forums as you can. Or maybe, plot twist, tell them you want to say goodbye to your father as it could cure laziness and stupidity for self employed people and you plan to release it into the universe afterward. Don't forget to makethatgreen when you get back home.
I don't understand people who blame those deceased affiliate networks for being broke. Yes tons of people lost money when those networks closed, but if you knew how to make that money in the first place, why don't you replicate that same strategy with other networks still operating today? You either know how to make money or you don't, don't blame the affiliate network!
Lazy? I do what I have to do. I'm working the graveyard shift just to support myself right now. If CPA Empire, Copeac, EWA, and a dozen other networks didn't fuck me over maybe I'd be okay right now.

You are working but you can't afford it? Turn off your internet / cable? Disconnect your cell phone? Buy a megabus ticket?

Sorry man, you are lazy and give no fucks
selling your cars
or borrow money from your neighbour
or ask your family to give you some money...
you have many option
but here no one gives you money to a stranger
I do believe y'all are posting in a troll thread.

Well at one point OP was using Blue China Group Ltd's marketing software (Mychanger). Back then he was making a shit load of money. Now he's either broke, trolling, or both?

I don't know what's more pathetic. Begging for money for real because OP totally mismanaged his financial decisions, or pretending he did just to get a rise out of people.

OP stop being such a fucking loser.