Dad is dying, can't afford to visit, wat do?


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
My online monies has dried up and I just found out my dad is dying, 2000 miles away. I can't afford to travel there, and I have no one to help me. What do I do?

If you want to say goodbye you will find a way. If you don't give a fuck you won't. You can go 2000 miles on a few hundred bucks no problem.

Stop making excuses, and figure this shit out. Or you will regret it the rest of your life. No matter what your relationship.
borrow money, pawn shop
get best buy credit, buy laptop or gift cards , sell for cash
get iphone or note/s5 , sell for cash
amtrak,greyhound,rent car, fly, craigs L>rideshare,,,
beg/ barter IM services, for ride on CL>rideshare
"borrow" a friends car and bring it back 4 days/ 4k miles later
get fronted some drugs/ weed, sell it, move 2000 miles away
You obviously have a laptop? Go pawn it or sell it if you need to travel urgently. Where there is a will there is a way.
Hey op. Just a thought. Ask your dad for the money. He doesn't need it. why are you afraid to ask? I mean come on. Or is it because you burned him to many times? You think he's gonna care l while he's on his deathbed? I hate to say it but this thread makes me sick. What ever your issues are, get over it.
Go through your couch cushions and collect $5 in spare change.
Go to a busy intersection and find a pedestrian.
Offer then $5 to kick you in the nuts.

That's what you deserve for being a lazy, unresourceful fuck and wasting my time with your post.

Come back here when you put a plan together.
Go through your couch cushions and collect $5 in spare change.
Go to a busy intersection and find a pedestrian.
Offer then $5 to kick you in the nuts.

That's what you deserve for being a lazy, unresourceful fuck and wasting my time with your post.

Come back here when you put a plan together.

Lazy? I do what I have to do. I'm working the graveyard shift just to support myself right now. If CPA Empire, Copeac, EWA, and a dozen other networks didn't fuck me over maybe I'd be okay right now.
Lazy? I do what I have to do. I'm working the graveyard shift just to support myself right now. If CPA Empire, Copeac, EWA, and a dozen other networks didn't fuck me over maybe I'd be okay right now.

Not to sound judgmental, but it's a bad road to go down with blaming others and not taking sole responsibility.

What's the price for the trip?
Lazy? I do what I have to do. I'm working the graveyard shift just to support myself right now. If CPA Empire, Copeac, EWA, and a dozen other networks didn't fuck me over maybe I'd be okay right now.

Are you fucking serious? These companies have been out of buisness for years. This has nothing to do with your poor planning which lead to the OP. Are you trolling? If not you're a lost cause.
Go through your couch cushions and collect $5 in spare change.
Go to a busy intersection and find a pedestrian.
Offer then $5 to kick you in the nuts.

That's what you deserve for being a lazy, unresourceful fuck and wasting my time with your post.

Come back here when you put a plan together.

Lol- even better, go to that busy intersection, tell everyone this phaggoty poor-me tale that's obviously just fishing for members to say "Oh you poor dear, let me help, what's your PayPal, I wanna send you monies", and then offer to CHARGE them $5 to kick you in the nuts.


Anyone else asks where this fucktard needs to go, where he needs to fly too, or what it's going to cost should be hammer-fucked in their talk-hole, then banned. Who gives a shit.

Happy New Year bros.
Ive been in the situation myself 2 years back and fuck it feels like shit.

You cant sell your laptop as other fucktards are saying here. The laptop will bring your hopes up in the business, and it will not help at all when you sell it. That feeling when you are thinking you can earn some cash online by using your laptop and will only bring you down even more if you take that laptop away.

Get the laptop/computer selling out of the option but fucking sell other things. Your couch, your ipad, your other extra things and youll be on your way outin less than 48 hours

Have a mother fucking garage sale
You could always hold your thumb out on the side of the road.

Blow a truck driver.

Or get a sharpy and cardboard to make a sign.
rent your apartment out for cash, month 2 month on cl, then dont pay your rent, get cash money and residual bonus!
dont pay any bills/ rent/ get some sandwich from all your churches/ library wifi, and cash your graveyard check
go to box store, tape a small 1inch piece of ripped wrapping paper to a item, return it, get store credit, sell credit for cash, repeat X times