Custom Landing Pages - $35

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Hey guys, I am absolutely flooded with orders right now, but don't worry - I eventually get to ALL PMs... it might just take me a couple days. :) So, if you've sent me a PM, sit tight, and I will reply.

I have over $200 in lost orders because of this. This is a complete waste of my time and resources. In one case, I spent over 3 hours creating an LP for someone, and then never hear back from them.
Sounds like you're doing a great job - why not show the screen grabs of those abandoned, who knows you may sell a few?
Hey All,

I have a portfolio site up now. As of right now, it has all the information you need about ordering landing pages plus about 8 samples. More samples will be coming soon, so if I've done an LP for you in the past and you would be okay with me using your LP in my portfolio, please PM me and let me know.

In the meantime, here's my portfolio site (it's not finished yet, but it's functional):

Custom Landing Pages Built for $45 |

Thanks. :)
Only have a couple orders left to do, and I'll be all caught up by tommorow, so if anyone needs an LP quick, place your orders. :D Turnaround time for the next few orders should only be about 1-2 days.
I just got my LP from MyOwnDemon. One word "Awesome!" This guy is very professional and willing to go to the extra mile to make sure you are satisfied.

Thank you again!

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