Cure for cancer coming?

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It does make you wonder why there isn't a government land rush to get this done, to get the tests done. For all the money they throw around on dog shit, it would be nice to see them do something that will help out the human race - rather than kill it.

It does make you wonder why there isn't a government land rush to get this done, to get the tests done. For all the money they throw around on dog shit, it would be nice to see them do something that will help out the human race - rather than kill it.

Maybe if governments actually wanted to benefit the majority of their citizens rather than a few big corporations they'd do something.
Meh... I'll kick in on this one....

I've heard of the whole 'suppressed inventions' thing before, and what I don't get is, assuming it's true, why these inventors don't just make their shit anyways.

Surely, if these people actually have a cure ready to go, they'd make a HELL of a lot more money making and delivering the drug directly to the patient.

If you were dying of cancer, and you found out some mystery team somewhere potentially had something.... what would it be worth to ya for a shot? $1,000? $10,000? $100,000?

People WOULD travel to their location. I bet a $100,000 day would be a 'slow' day.

Aside from that, why do people bother with patents anyways? It's so easy to blur the line on patents, that the entire system is almost worthless.
Even if it works, it cost a shit brick of cash to jump through all the loops for the FDA to approve a new drug for human consumption. So if the big $$ companies don't back it, it's next to impossible to get it on the market.

Old people live to long anyway.
Finding out about these two stories is really depressing. Not because I didn't know this was how the US and the World is, but because there's just so much bullshit like this out there. Huge companies and corporations are controlling too many things that go on in the world and the average person is suffering for it. What needs to be done is for us to rise up and take control back of our world. I mean hell, there's more "average" people then there are corporation. We're just not united or organized. It's like this crap with the gas prices lately, I mean why the fuck are we even using gas for fuel? The technology is so out-dated, there's so many alternatives out there yet oil companies and car companies suppress those too.

Makes me wish I was superman so I could go around kicking all their assess and threatening to melt them with my laser vision lol.
Finding out about these two stories is really depressing. Not because I didn't know this was how the US and the World is, but because there's just so much bullshit like this out there. Huge companies and corporations are controlling too many things that go on in the world and the average person is suffering for it.

It's actually more than that, which leads to a good life lesson....

"Everyone is trying to SELL YOU something"

Even when a person/group comes off as doing something for the greater good, chances are it's for themselves. Nonprofit organizations, the 'church', Girl Scouts, all of 'em... Every single one of 'em have one single goal in mind, and that's to transfer as many dollars from your account to theirs.
People seem to confuse 'possible treatment' with cure too often. If you go to the universities site you will see:

"I think DCA can be selective for cancer because it attacks a fundamental process in cancer development that is unique to cancer cells," Michelakis said. "One of the really exciting things about this compound is that it might be able to treat many different forms of cancer”.

This doesn't stop the spread of cancer, it's almost 8 months into their clinical trial, and they haven't released any information yet :( If this drug has any promise, and can't get funding from Big Pharma, then I am sure sure the American Cancer Society (who has close to 1.1 billion in liquid investments) can dump them a few bucks.

Look for the E-book in 5 years on how to treat cancer with DCA from the warrior boys, and that idiot on TV whose name eludes me.
I'd like to call a BS on this one...

If it worked, it would be out there and making money. First of all, because there aren't any patents on it won't stop anybody. For the most part, hormones and other substances that the body produces naturally cannot be patented. BUT, it is really easy for organic chemists to attach a tertiary methyl group to something, etc. to make it something that isn't "naturally" occurring, even though the effects of the drug or hormone aren't altered. So its really easy to sidestep things and come up with something that is still functionally active and still get a patent on it.

Patent = profit. If it cured cancer, people would line the streets for this stuff. Common laws of economics would dictate the price of the drug. The demand is infinitely greater than the supply so the price could be set according to how many square feet the CEO wants his mansion to be.

I'm in medical school right now and haven't heard the first word of this. Still that doesn't mean much, but if there was a real viable cure for cancer, you would hear a lot more about it.
There's a new cancer cure announced somewhere online every other day. Just check Digg, we have a new cure for cancer and AIDS show up on the first page at least once a week...
Well dad could of used this when he was going through the fucking 2 months of cancer misery before finally dying - of course that was 10 years ago...
Finding out about these two stories is really depressing. Not because I didn't know this was how the US and the World is, but because there's just so much bullshit like this out there. Huge companies and corporations are controlling too many things that go on in the world and the average person is suffering for it. What needs to be done is for us to rise up and take control back of our world. I mean hell, there's more "average" people then there are corporation. We're just not united or organized. It's like this crap with the gas prices lately, I mean why the fuck are we even using gas for fuel? The technology is so out-dated, there's so many alternatives out there yet oil companies and car companies suppress those too.

Makes me wish I was superman so I could go around kicking all their assess and threatening to melt them with my laser vision lol.

Exactly: and to further this there is already a cure for cancer its called "stem cell manipulation" or "dna" manipulation.

but it will never make it to us just the same with cars fully running on water and the like! yes it SUCKS BALLS this shit will never become available to us.

why will it never be available to us? Think about it people the pharma companies and government and the investors and whom ever else it may be are making billions of dollars a year from sick people.

yeah that sounds fucked up. but its the facts PERIOD.

money talks..bullshit walks..the powers that be make money from the sick!
Exactly: and to further this there is already a cure for cancer its called "stem cell manipulation" or "dna" manipulation.​

If by dna manipulation you are talking about retrovirus insertion of genes into a target genome, it definitely has happened and has had some results. The gene that transcribe bovine insulin (what many diabetics take) have been inserted into bacteria so that they are constantly producing insulin to be packaged up and sold.

So in theory you can have a retrovirus insert specific genes into your dna that end up becoming part of your genome. This has been disastrous in the human trials that have been carried out and as far as I know no real human trials are being carried forward for now.

What did you mean by stem cell manipulation to cure cancer?
I don't completely defend the pharmaceutical companies by any means, BUT you do have to look at the bright sides of things with them. Clinical university research is generally highly regarded among the scholarly, but most of the time the real breakthroughs in pharmaceutical medicine come from the actual pharmaceutical companies themselves.

It takes TONS and TONS of cash in order to find a med that can cure a disease. You have to pay physiologists to adequately describe the target disease. You have to pay organic chemists to modify and create the actual compounds for the meds. There are whole teams that have to be assembled and work together to finding out a good medicine that can cure a disease. This all takes lots of cash in the long run--cash which most universities don't have budgets set aside for. To add to this, if the board of directors for the company thinks it is taking the research team too long to come up with a product, they can halt research and shift the team's focus elsewhere, so all that money goes down the drain.

Tons of progression has been made thanks to the capitalistic pharmaceutical companies; they have the drive of huge financial rewards if they can come up with a cure for a disease. On one hand they are shady by how much they charge for the meds, paying doctors through lunches to push their products, etc., but I think they are for sure a necessary evil because they get stuff done.
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