CS Passed Article + 100, At Least 50% Unique Variations! Guaranteed EZA Acceptance!

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Hi there,

Although I have been hanging around for about a year now, I still consider myself to be a freshman here :).

Plain and simple I am a content creator and since this forum has given me a lot, I'd like to give something back.

So, here is what I can do for you.

I would write an original, well researched article of minimum 400 words on a topic that you provide. You can also give me just a keyword.

Then I would MANUALLY spin the article and would produce 100 variations that would be at least 50% different from each other. Usually, the percentage of uniqueness would be between 60 and 80.

Here is how this would benefit you.


1. The original article would definitely be accepted by Ezinearticles.com, even as their rules are much more stringent after the mighty G's farmer's update.
2. Each of the 100 versions would be accepted by any article directory you can think of. Just submit 1 different copy per directory.
3. Each article would be FREE from grammar and spelling mistakes, being COMPLETELY LEGIBLE - no auto spun junk.

Needless to say, the original 400 word article would pass Copyscape 100%

What Happens If I fail you?

If any of the copies of the original gets rejected, I would do unlimited number of revisions until it gets accepted.

If within 10 days after being rejected, I still can't get it approved, I PAY YOU Double what you have paid me.

I would give the following sets of REVIEW copies to fellow members.

5 FREE REVIEW COPIES TO members who have been around before January 2010 and have at least 100 posts.

10 Review Copies for a FIVER to anyone else !

How to Get Your Review Copy?

Post here in the thread if you would want one. I would get back to you asap.

Topics I would not Write on

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Online Pharmacies and the like
Product Reviews


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