CRM and lead management

This. You should try Sugar.

Yeah... I guess I will download the freebe version and install it:

I am running Apache/2.2.3 server.. I dont think it will be a problem,

But actually I got a spare go-daddy account any you have problems installing this on there medium shitty hosting package?
i got a godaddy hosting account for free, have not used it... so why not fuck with it? I think they have root directory access.

I have two bad ass tyan's that I OWN - hooked up to dedicated fiber, so yeah not really a newbie in that regard .. what do you do for hosting (have an RJ45 in your ass crack and fart out ones and zeros)

Look as much as go daddy sucks as a company they have not that bad of affiliate kickbacks

20% cash commission on whatever and:

  • Earn $105 for each 12-mo Deluxe, Unlimited, Dedicated and Virtual Dedicated hosting plan sold
  • Earn $70 for each Super Reseller plan sold
  • Earn $65 for each 12-mo Economy shared hosting plan sold
  • Earn $50 for each Pro Reseller plan sold
  • Earn $30 for each Basic Reseller plan sold
  • Earn 1%-5% for Aftermarket domain registrations
but whatever - you still will find a way to talk some shit.... you seem to have that syndrome for that (were you picked on in school?) but dude gatta go... I look forward to your shit talk
Dude, I was trying to find something, none of you tards could locate anything half way simple so i said fuck it and made it using wordpress in a few hours, out of my generosity decided to post a screen shot for all to see, then a buch of cuntbag DP reject tards started asking for free review,

Yeah I guess i can see that it can be seen that i got some problem and just like majic Billy Maze comes out and has the solution, but really I was looking for something wasn't there so i made it.... and you know what I am an opportunity man, I see someone has interest in something I have and can copy fuck I sell it if i can for as much as I can... Would you not?!

But you know what - I don't have to prove myself, besides if i wanted to sell the motherfucker I have much more effective channels than WF ... but fuck I actually sold it for the client that it was written for anyways so yeah...

But if some tard wants to give me money I am not going to say no

We should start doing weekly bans instead of monthly ones. My nomination for this week - ttime.
Hello friends, look at SugarCRM, now back to MyCRM, now back to SugarCRM, now back to MyCRM. Sadly, SugarCRM isn't MyCRM. But if it stopped being an industry standard and ran on wordpress, it could look like MyCRM. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're on WickedFire looking at a CRM that can't do anything. What's in your hand? Back to MyCRM. I have it. It's the one client I have. Look again, this client is now asking me about SugarCRM. Anything is possible when you use MyCRM and not SugarCRM. I am on welfare.