CRM and lead management

Ohhh yeah... stop asking for reviews..!

unless you are a female (age = 20+, min tit size= C, max weight=130lb, min height = 6ft) with nice tits and ass and are willing to use them to get what you want!


But if you got money

(& not some broke ass DP or warrior reject, squatting at WF)

or you got something to barter, pm me.

If you haven't check out Sugar CRM. It should do what you want nicely. Also, your software looks like it could do all this for me. Thus allowing me to say I got a software that does all that.

Review copy plz?
Some retard creates a thread asking for a solution to a problem. A few hours later he himself provides a solution to that problem and asks money for it.

Some retard creates a thread asking for a solution to a problem. A few hours later he himself provides a solution to that problem and asks money for it.

OK I thought I was the only one who noticed that HE asked for one....then tried selling one.
Dude, I was trying to find something, none of you tards could locate anything half way simple so i said fuck it and made it using wordpress in a few hours, out of my generosity decided to post a screen shot for all to see, then a buch of cuntbag DP reject tards started asking for free review,

Yeah I guess i can see that it can be seen that i got some problem and just like majic Billy Maze comes out and has the solution, but really I was looking for something wasn't there so i made it.... and you know what I am an opportunity man, I see someone has interest in something I have and can copy fuck I sell it if i can for as much as I can... Would you not?!

But you know what - I don't have to prove myself, besides if i wanted to sell the motherfucker I have much more effective channels than WF ... but fuck I actually sold it for the client that it was written for anyways so yeah...

But if some tard wants to give me money I am not going to say no

can anyone suggest any easy-to-use integrated web apps that do CRM, project management, and billing?
can anyone suggest any easy-to-use integrated web apps that do CRM, project management, and billing?

I use HD-CRM and it's worked perfectly.Customer support & service functions, including a customer self-service portal
  • Marketing automation (lead generation, campaign support, knowledge bases)
  • Analysis and reporting
  • Billing Manager
  • it is free for the first 10 users, then it is just 3 dollars a month
none of you tards could locate anything half way simple

See faggot, that's your problem right there...

I've used Sugar for fucking years, it's simple as hell to use and develop against. YOU ARE the tard who can't use it, not us.

If you can't customize it, then you're either a poor fucking DP wannabe or someone who is too fucking stupid to own a computer.

Either way, GTFO.
Look dude, sugar as easy as it is to develop it will never be as simple as what i needed it for. I developed my own crm from scratch that works very well, moreover I now have a service retainer and contract with that client for upgrades..ect. Had I used shugar #1 I would still be fucking with it to stupify it for the end client #2 taking a long time to teach the client how to use it #3 I would not retain the upgrade/support contract as easy #4 I will still be scratching my head how to integrate the lead system I coded for them a few years back.

yeah ok and you call me stupid!
Actually, random Sugar question. Anyone else had problems getting IMAP to work with Google Apps w/ community edition? Driving me fucking insane.
I didn't actually want a free review of your piece of shit crm dumbass, I was only trying to piss you off because you came in here asking for a solution but then in some insane bait and switch fail you say "pAyPALL mE $500 mOniEZ tO teST!!1"

It's quite possibly the worst looking interface I've ever seen, so congrats on accomplishing that. Now please, get the fuck out of here.
I left the second review copy on your door step in a flaming bag of shit....

But well I don't know why everyone is so adamant about sugar, i never liked it much two or three years ago, maybe I need to take another look

In all honesty i was not trying to sell my shit from the getgo.. for one it is basically a moded word-press so if i did sell it then the motherfucker would be on rapidshare, torrents..... and there would not be a thing i could do about it.

point is - I was looking for some shit - nobody suggested anything that was good enough - I coded some shit - people had presumable interest - I tried to capitalize on it and i guess failed (but still won 'cause the client who it was intended for paid me)

Anyways this is getting way t0o damn gay don't you fuckers have moneys to make?

--------- anyways enjoy the tits:



